At hospital (mummy)
- I would say this is the least complicated.. erkkk... why? you have dedicated nurses who are there with you, to offer their help endlessly, 24 hours around the clock!! your job is only eat and breastfeed your baby... even almost every breastfeeding session, I was assisted by Ms Yee, a superb lactating officer in SDMC... toilet? 1st day, i was assisted by 2 nurses... as i can barely feel my leg due to the anaes.. and definitely was bathed by them.... on bed.. hehe.. felt like a queen!
- baby needs change? hmm.. call nurse! ehhe...
- again.. all we did was feed the baby.....
- 2nd day at hospital, i was able to walk to the toilet but hubby helped to bath me...
- 3rd day, i bathed myself.. yayy! and i felt the more i walk, the better i felt... so i took a stroll along the ward... hehe... gegeh tak? nurse said, "wahh.. mcm tak kena bedah pulak ya... good good"
- 4th day... discharge.. again.. refused to be on the wheelchair.. walked to the car proudly as a mother, pushing Armand on the stroller... :)
At hospital (baby)
- 1st night... slept with us... breastfeed started... felt funny and awkward as i have to hold him in a 'football position'
nurse said this position is the best for c-sect mums...
- Nurse only took him around 6.30am to 'clean' him... and almost all the time the baby is in my room...
- 2nd night.. he cried more.. apparently he had BCG at 8pm that night.. and he preferred to sleep in my arms.. ok lorr.. mummy oso like! :)
- 3rd day.. Armand was chosen to be a 'model'... i guess because he is the 'right-size'.. hehe... it's just a session for bathing baby... practically.. as before in the antenatal class... we were taught theoretically... we had 7 couples with us.. and Armand behaved tremendously.. ahemm.. kecik2 dah suka limelight..
- 4th day.. His paeds, Dr. Sanjay Woodhull had cleared him from Jaundice (level at 128 - normal range)... we were grateful for that result as we all can go home.. but we need to return a week after to check his jaundice again and to check my wound dressing as well...
At home (mummy and baby)
- nurses' job were taken over by my mum... ahahah... except i bathed Armand by myself... and the breastfeeding part of course..
- daddy is being such a great daddy and husband!! take turns with me, day and night to hold our baby... in the 1st week, i would say he 'worked' more than me as my movements was limited...
- breastfeeding is getting harder as Armand feeds more and more... nipples are sore and badly hurt sometimes.. :( then i alternate breastfeed and expressed milk... luckily Armand has no 'nipple-confusion'... eheh...
1st check-up went well!
- My wound dressing was opened.. and it's already dried and healed! :) docCT gave me a compliment.. hehe... and i said, thanks to Pati Ikan Haruan Polleney and my mum/sis-in-law who cooked Ikan Haruan dish for me daily for 7-consecutive days!
- but she said, that's the 'outer'... inner-ones would take longer to heal.. ouch! advised me to rest from teaching at the gym for at least 3 months.. *sigh* ok lorrrr........... i'll wait!!
- DocCT checked my weight.. it was 81kg... and she'll see me in 6 weeks time... and we kinda 'bet' what's my weight gonna be... ahhaha.. hopefully i get to surprise her! :)
- Baby's jaundice decreased from 128 to 118... Dr Sanjay said that we are feeding him well... so keep it up!
Again.. alhamdulillah...
- i understand the meaning of post-natal blues!!
- still breastfeeding... alternate with expressed milk of course... from 2.5oz every 3hrs.. now he demands for at least 4oz... i managed to get 5oz in each 'pump-session' every 4hrs... really hope that i can cater to his needs... huhu... so thinking of baby formula to back-up... :(
- mum and hubby are still helping me endlessly and patiently... thanks you both! love u lots!! and i promised to recover fully as fast as i can so that i can be less-burden to you... sob sobss... xoxo
p/s: thanks for all the gifts and visits from our lovely friends!! :)
p/s/2: dear relatives... your comments/ advice during visits are not welcomed! thank you... seriously.. in the 'pantang-mode', new mums do not need comments/advice at all.. what we need is help! 'action-wise'.. not words! even though you thought you are helping.. believe me.. you are not! thanks in advance... :)