September 13, 2006


hiak... tomorrow is the big day in True Fitness... Jason, Tina, Ken and me hope that we can make the launch a very memorable one to members... as always, i love seeing my name on the board when there's a special theme class or wutever... so, couldn't resist the 'glamour' feel... he he he...

hmmmm... what to wear... sorry lah ye... i'll turn to a 'dumb blonde' once in awhile when it comes to launch, competition, demo... always need to get new things to add-up... doing latin track tomorrow... need something for the hair... this time around, we've decided to go with earth colours, i.e: green, brown, white.... hmm, how about just two leaves to cover my boobies... hiak!! anybody up to that? =)


  1. :p two delicate grape leaves to cover the essential parts on sheer skin colour top... slicked back hair with white lilies + black track bottom + sequins with slight flare.... Sexy and HOT!!!

  2. my gawd...i wonder what kind leaves will be BIG enuf to cover that boobies gurl...HIAK!!!! one thing i do know, whatever u wear on that nite, u will look SPLENDID!!!! :) Sazzy!!!

  3. my matter what you wear you definitely will look good! Looking forward to see you all divas! always like to c ur new hair style :p

  4. YOU!/ xpeace05/ Shirlyn:

    two grape leaves, plus sequeen on my tummy, a g-string and mohawk hair... muahahahahhhhh!!!!!!! then, everybody run...

  5. YOU!/ xpeace05/ Shirlyn:

    two grape leaves, plus sequeen on my tummy, a g-string and mohawk hair... muahahahahhhhh!!!!!!! then, everybody run...
