got such thing mehh?? ahhahaahhh... jgn percaya dakyah saya yg tiada bukti2 ittieww... honestly, mummy doesn't know, at what age a baby should roll over... what i know, by 1-year old most babies should be able to walk... ekekkekk.... so when the 3 months visit to paeds, DocSanjay said Armand is doing what 4-5 months old babies should do... this explains why he 'looks' small for a 6.4kg, 3months old baby because his muscles are strong.. Armand likes to move.. only time he's 'quiet' is when he sleeps... he kinda sleeps in one position... like mummy! heeeee........
i email the above picture to my colleagues.. one of them said,
Chinese believe ~ 3 months able to roll over, 6 months able to crawl and 9 months able to walk..
true? let see him in 6 months and 9 months time.. hehhe...
when he's awake, he can't stay still... aiyoooo... if you put him on a mattress... he'll keep roll here and there... the playpen with all the dangling thingy? hmmm... will keep his interest like.. what?10 seconds? hmm... rugi beli.. haha... he prefers things that moves and makes sound... like watching Clash of The Titans with mummy... ahahha... when his tired, then he'll make noise... signalling ppl to pick him up... if you pick him up, you need to stand or walk... if you sit he'll still be noisy... the only position that will keep him 'happy' for quite a long time is like dis! and surprisingly... if you hold him like this, facing tv, and talk/story to him what the movie is all about, he'll be happy for 40mins or so... yeahh...
hmmmm.... 5 minit ok lah.. kalo setengah jam?? mau tak bermuscle lengan mummy... dah tu, kalo mcm ni, dia bukan leh duk diam... nak lompat2...
one thing DocSanjay said... baby at 3months won't have a strong backbone yet to sit/stand on his own.. in other words, you need to always hold him up a bit in those positions, so that his body weight won't give pressure to the bones... equals to, melenguhkan tangan/ lengan org yg memegangnya...and roll over/ sit/ crawl/ walk... there's no exact development/ time that a baby should follow... but some progress will show that the baby is healthy enough.. so he added, if your baby is not doing what other babies do at the same age, no worries.. it doesn't mean that your baby less here and there... give your baby time to develop on his own sweet time.. we just enjoy every single moment of it.. :)
owh.. i miss one more of his happy position... this will happen normally right after breastfeed... after 10mins bergolek2, then 40mins tgk tv/ borak ngan mummy and daddy.. apa lagi.. next is feeding time! :) he'll lay still on the pillow, on my lap for 5-10 mins... talking to himself.. hmmm....
then after he'll make 'sad noise', then it's time to sleep... :) either he wants to breastfeed again to sleep, or daddy will carry him around until he sleeps...
yeah... i'm a proud and a grateful mummy... alhamdulillah for this gift and Armand is blessed with good health... insyaAllah mummy will Doa for his well being until my last breath...
and this Doa also goes to all Armand's virtual friends.. hopefully someday they all can meet! :)
awal eh armand meniarap...kakak aleesya x lg...uhu
ReplyDeleteamin...tulh, ble bley gather kn...masing2 ngn baby...he3...
btw, armand pakai rantai kaki eh...hu3
kitorg pun terkejut Yanie.. skrg runsing dah nak tukar diaper dia atas katil.. kut terlps pandang, mau tergolek.. huhu...
ReplyDeleterantai kaki? a'aa... cucu org kelantan katanya.. ahhaha.. my mum la tu.. jenuh dia cari rantai suasa... susah, tak byk kedai yg buat...
hehe, cute tgk armand angkat kaki.
ReplyDeleteLeo, hopefully kita leh arrange gathering untuk armand's virtual friends. sure best ;)
tulah Shu.. insyaAllah.. :)