Received sms from Alvin yesterday 21/7/08 at 4.02pm.... "Leo, Az, juwita... You all on new LM revolutions magazine" :D :D :D
What what what!!! hohoho.... the first thing came into my mind.. pls pls let it be the good picture... huhu... and guess what!! it is my favourite pic!! it has been on wallpaper of my handphone since quarterly... well... now it's in Revolution Magazine.... yeehooooooo......... glemer sekejap... eventhough there's nothing in the article which mentioned 3 of us... hehe... it's about our friend Arnold Warren... aka LesMills presenter/ trainer for bodyjam.. talking about his Asian Workshop experience....
Any of you who's interested to read the whole magazine... can refer to this link... July 2008 Issue.. Happy Reading...
Kak Leo! In the middle summore! Alan here btw, and guess what? Arnold's going to be in the BODYJAM 46 DVD Kit cover also. So lucky of him. Lol.