March 4, 2011

Annoying Friday

People says Thank God It's Friday... i say, This Friday Is Soooooooo Annoyinggggggg...............

There are days where you can keep your composure and smile through everything... but there are days where everything is sooooooooo wrong!!!!!!!!!!! and today is MY WRONG DAY!!!

please bear with me... i just wanna let it out... maybe some doesn't make sense.. maybe some sounds too emotional.. maybe some facts are not correct... but what the heck! everybody is entitled to their opinions... so these are mine! today only!

i couldn't sleep much last nite! turn right = pain! turn left = pain! lay on my back = cannot breathe! then.... how do you think i can get any sleep?!??!? with lack of sleep, do you think i can be 'normal' in the office today?!?!

people! why do you need to ask me same fuc*ing questions  EVERY time you see me in the office?!?!?!? i know you just 'being nice'.... and you are being as excited as me... however... can't you see i'm working!?! can't you see i'm going to the loo!?! can't you see i'm struggling on the stairs!!? can't you see i'm walking painfully to the photostat machine?!?
- when are u due?
- how are u feeling today?
- do you feel heavier now?
- baby moves more now?
eh harlowwwwwwww....... my due date is not gonna change if u ask me on 28th feb, 1st march or 2nd march!!!! arghhhhhhhhh... next time, pls ask me diff Q.. eg: what colour is the baby's room? where are u planning to give birth? dan banyak lagi soklan2 lain!!! yg ko tanya aku bila due tiap2 hari tu kenapeeeeeeeeeeeee?!??!?!??!?!?

sitting = pain! walking = pain! standing = pain! sooooooo......... if you see me frowning, then i'm in pain! logic isn't it? i will take my time to walk from one point to the other.... and it's so obvious it's because of the big bump! you do NOT need to ask me WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *slap slap*

i'm hungry = eat = bloated!! small portion also bloated!! drinks better? nahhhhhhhhhhh............ fruits? i can't be eating fruits every single hour in the office... or else i need to bring like dozens of apples/ pears/ grapes to the office! :P

clothes!!!! small clothes = not nice of course! big clothes = not nice oso!! smaller pants = feel like it's suffocating me and Jr... big pants = it will drop gradually while i'm walking!! like........ what the heck!!!!!!!! pakai baju kelawar je gi opis boley??????

conclusion = i just felt irritating of every single thing today.... *cry cry*

bought Gold Class movie ticket to watch I Am No 4 on sunday wif Alip.. maybe it can ease my current sorrow... :(


  1. uuhuhu sabar byk2 tau mummy leo :)

    saye kene bersedia utk menghadapi ape yg u lalui di kemudian hari nanti! uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

  2. 3 weeks to go leo!! caiyok!!caiyok!! pedulikan mereka.. byk kan bersabar..doa byk2..semoga semua urusan di akhir kehamilan ini dipermudahkan..semua itu adalah dugaan saat2 akhir kehamilan.. sabar ye.. (saya pon dulu camtu jugak!! pandai lak nasihatkan org!! hehe)

  3. iza... hehe... njoy the moment tau.. best kdg2 mengamuk tak tentu pasal neh... ni tak masuk nangis tersedu sedan tgk citer sedey kt tv.. hiks!

    maya... heee... yaaa... saya suka org saaangatttt paham apa yg saya alami ineh!

  4. leo : ahahaha orait2! tapi tang nanges sedu sedan time tgk tivi tu sangat slalu, ahahahah! bukan iza je, tp hubby pon kene skalilk, tak penah2 dia emo klu tgk crite kat tv! miahahaha

  5. iza... at least ur hubby menanges bersama... my hubby gelakkan i okeh... sbnrnya dia kontrol tu.. i rasa dia nak nanges gak, tapi dia gelakkan i siap2.. so dia x nanges... ahhahah....

  6. waktu final weeks of pregnancy kat ofis, i rasa cam dah tak nak pegi ofis. why?? alasannya tak de baju nak pakai pegi keje. hubby gelak..but its true..baju preggie yang beli start 4mths dah ketat time 37weeks.boleh? tak selesa esp tang lengan tu.. baju kurung? asyik2 baju kurung mak..seriously i have around 5-6 baju kurung mak untuk dipakai time pregnant coz i dun want to buy a new baju kurung pregnant. just buat 2-3 kot baju kurung saiz pregnant..termasuk baju raya..

    so K.Leo, i really understand what u feel right now..bersabar ye and persetankanlah mereka yang annoying tu..

  7. dayang... kannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn......... *cuba bersabar neh*

  8. sabar dear...i tak nak senyum.. sebab u rase annoying ngan semua ni.. tapi..sangat comeL ok... may be sebab u sakit... u jadi sangat sensitive.. lagi2 ngan orang2 n soklan2 yang menyakitkan hati... sabar sikit lagi tuk beberape hari lagi.. so.. biler stat cuti..??[eer...kaLau u rase i tanye soklan yang u tak suker..u tak perlu jawap taw... tak nak jadi orang annoying...huhu]
