March 21, 2011

Work? Maternity leave?

I'm already on Maternity Leave starting today... 21st march 2011.. and it's already been approved...


i should not be working anymore isn't it??

but why i keep receiving email from colleagues and boss asking me to do proposal/ design/ costing??

all these while i've been doing it... ALONE... so... it's NOT my fault if you don't have any backup for me.... i've been bringing this matter up to management for yearssssssss....... so if you decide not to have any backup for me... don't expect me to 'hold' my life, in this case, aku nak beranak kut!!! :P 

clean up your own mess Mr!!!!


  1. Leo jgn dilayan dorang tu,kalao tak kan sampai ke sudah dorang dok soh u buat kije,silap2 dok tgh push pon dorang cbok soh buat proposal bagai,ntah pape ntah

  2. kannnn.... sedey tau kalo duk pikir2 balik... mcm diorg ni tak penah ada bini nak beranak.. so tak pikir mcm mana org yg menanti hari ni apa keadaan... hish...

  3. btol ckp iza tu...xyh lyn diorg tu...enjoy ur maternity leave...x sabo nk tgk ur baby... :)

  4. yanie... i ikut nasihat2 korg.. ahahha.. dah ignore sume email... pejam mata jek! :)

  5. you go mummy leo! :)
    enjoy your holiday!
    buat bodow sajaa...lantak pi depa!
    uuu..cepat la baby keluar...ihihih...xsaba nak tgk ur lil junior :)

  6. iza.. i pun x sabar neh... ahahha...

    N... macih! :) sama2 bercuti ya kita... tapi confirm i masuk keje dulu dari u... ehee.. sbb 60 hari jek..

  7. ha!! this happen to my husband during his leave utk kawen hr tu. he was on Annual leave for 3 weeks, he never had the chance to amek leave b4 sbb takda replacement, assistant baru hire before taking the leave pon cakap je pung pang rupanya tin kosong.

    i think u should get lots of rests... kumpul energy. jangan semak kan otak, biaq pi sama diorang haha

  8. tu la Zara... tak tenang hati/ kepala otak tau... rasa je nak benti keje trus.. ahahha... habis pantang je cukup 2 bulan notis.. mulehhhh??? ahahhahah...
