September 23, 2008

Left Deflector?

Hmpphh.... just now was my 4th muay thai class at Jak Othman Studio... teknik i huduh giler ok........... deflector, wave-out.. (alamak.. kena hafal sume tuh..) tumbuk suka2 hati... kaki kemana, tangan kemana, stance je in place... in place kerrrr?? huhu...

Kru (this what we called our master, Jak Othman) with his daughter (Putri)..

takpe takpe... usaha tangga kejayaan... i really like doing this.. seriously.. it reminds me why i took Taekwondo before... well..... longggggggggggg wayyyyyyyyy beforeeeeeeeeeee....... hopefully, i'll be able to defense myself if needed (taj tau le bila nak terror tu kan....) i believe woman nowadays has to know how to protect themselves without depending so much to man.... not saying that we don't need them but they are not always by our side to be a protector right.... I strongly recommend girls/ women to take some sort of self-defense class for a preventive measure... eheh... not to make us a fighter or anything (kalo nak jadik pendekar ke wa takde masalah) it's just to 'activate' our instinct... making our reflex more smooth... and at the same time, lose some weights... eheh... good exercise oso... as u know, i am a gym freak.... so it's time to stay away from gym a bit and try different form of exercise...

maybe after this vocal class and hiphop class?? huahuahuahuaaaaaa.......... anybody wif me?

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