September 30, 2009
isk isk...
be patience! as i'm being patient to.... try to find time to update this blog... ahahahah....
September 18, 2009
I'm a single lady.. I'm a single ladyyy....
*singing it.. Beyonce style* <--- huh.. i wish?!?!

Dear Leo,
Selamat Hari Raya to you and your loved ones. Here's to your last raya Raya as a single lady!
Best wishes,

Cute aite? hehe....
Salam Aidilfitri to all Muslims around the world!!!! (over tak?)
I'm going back home town tonight... can't wait to celebrate raya with my families... as for you out there, whom will be driving.. pleaseeeeeeeeeeee drive carefully.. do not speed... do stop if you are sleepy... drop by Petronas to get a free coffee... heheh.... as Philip's wish... hehe and of course mine too, this is gonna be my last year of Eid celebration as a single lady.. insyaAllah... wait for this post, next year!!! :)
happy eating.. happy holiday-ing..

Dear Leo,
Selamat Hari Raya to you and your loved ones. Here's to your last raya Raya as a single lady!
Best wishes,

Cute aite? hehe....
Salam Aidilfitri to all Muslims around the world!!!! (over tak?)
I'm going back home town tonight... can't wait to celebrate raya with my families... as for you out there, whom will be driving.. pleaseeeeeeeeeeee drive carefully.. do not speed... do stop if you are sleepy... drop by Petronas to get a free coffee... heheh.... as Philip's wish... hehe and of course mine too, this is gonna be my last year of Eid celebration as a single lady.. insyaAllah... wait for this post, next year!!! :)
happy eating.. happy holiday-ing..

September 17, 2009
almost done....
September 15, 2009
sweet presure
heyyy.... alif dah siapkan hantaran tunang kitorg...... mana aciiiiii..... lagi 3 minggu lerrrrr..... *tertekan* *tertekan*
Alif has furnished our gift packages, that will be exchanged during our engagement ceremony... which is in another 3 weeks time!! why so fast?!?!? *pressure* *pressure*

Alif has furnished our gift packages, that will be exchanged during our engagement ceremony... which is in another 3 weeks time!! why so fast?!?!? *pressure* *pressure*


September 13, 2009
I got gift!

"Saya takut menjadi musyrik. Saya takut menyekutukan Cinta saya kepada Allah karena cinta saya kepada Yusuf. Saya rindu untuk bisa dibelai Allah, tetapi hati saya dipenuhi pula kerinduan kepada Yusuf. Apakah saya sudah menjadi manusia musyrik, ya Ustaz? Tolonglah saya! Demi Allah, saya tidak kuasa untuk memilih satu dari cinta dan kerinduan ini. Rindu saya untuk menggapai Wajah Allah seiring rindu saya menggapai wajah Yusuf?."
can i read 5 pages per day??? heee :D

September 10, 2009
happy rendition...

huh.. i definitely missed those days... don't you? we sometimes heard people say, how we could change things if we have the power to turn back time? would you? i used to want to change here and there.... but you know what... it's not the case anymore.... the more i look at it the more i realise that those 'super-horror' things that happened, made me a better, stronger and bolder person today! I no longer regret at what happened in my life... no longer try to made everything right.. no longer 'crying' over sad things that happened or mourning over what people did to me.... trust me... when you reached in this point of your life.. God will reward you with something that you'll never expect to experience it.. Alhamdulillah....
my advise to readers, especially my beloved friends and families.. (foes maybe.. *wink*)....
move forward! take your history as a lesson and learn from it...
what doesn't kill you makes you stronger...
leave you EX ALONE!!! <------- verrryyyyyy important.. haha... let him/her lead their life.. and you lead yours...
stop SELF-PITY....
Allah promises... that... "nasib kita tidak akan diubahNya melainkan dengan usaha kita sendiri"
have the hope, keep the faith!

September 8, 2009
September 7, 2009
Now... Alipth.. the Hantaran Decorator.. has an assistant! it's ME!!!!
we spent more or less 6 hours to furnish 16 hampers... it's for his company thingy... to send to the customer of the company.. i think we managed to make it look expensive... ekekekk.. :D See it for yourself...

it's made of... a basket... crepe paper... ribbons... 4 types of biscuits.. and one box of dates... as the date's box is not so 'presentable'.. so we covered it with a big flower... hehe...
interested to get our service? :D
we spent more or less 6 hours to furnish 16 hampers... it's for his company thingy... to send to the customer of the company.. i think we managed to make it look expensive... ekekekk.. :D See it for yourself...

it's made of... a basket... crepe paper... ribbons... 4 types of biscuits.. and one box of dates... as the date's box is not so 'presentable'.. so we covered it with a big flower... hehe...
interested to get our service? :D

September 6, 2009
Save the best for last
*achtung.. the following post is written in Malay*
mak kata kena menabung...
Oprah Winfrey pun byk buat episod pasal menyimpan duit nih....
Leo tau menabung ni penting...
Tapi Leo tak menabung jugak... huhu...
so skrg, Leo nak menyahut seruan tuh... semenjak mula bekerja.. tahun 2002... sampai sekarang.. tak pernah nak menabung... isk isk..
di ambang umur 30-an ni.. Leo anggap my best year of my life... so, Leo telah membuka akaun Amanah Saham Bumiputera... ekekek..... company ada buat potong gaji terus.. so, sgt lah bagus utk org yg malas menabung spt i.. heeee

HR: Kak Leo... tlg isi borg ni sekali? Nanti Izan arrangekan utk potong gaji trus masuk ASB akak...
Me: Akak nak potong RM500 lah...
HR: boleh je... byk nye akak?
Me: semangat nih... eh Izan, nanti nak withdraw ASB ni kat mana ekk? :P :P :P
harussssss........ blum start menyimpan dah pikir macam mana nak withdraw yaaaaaa......
doakan saya menyimpan dgn gigih ya...
mak kata kena menabung...
Oprah Winfrey pun byk buat episod pasal menyimpan duit nih....
Leo tau menabung ni penting...
Tapi Leo tak menabung jugak... huhu...
so skrg, Leo nak menyahut seruan tuh... semenjak mula bekerja.. tahun 2002... sampai sekarang.. tak pernah nak menabung... isk isk..
di ambang umur 30-an ni.. Leo anggap my best year of my life... so, Leo telah membuka akaun Amanah Saham Bumiputera... ekekek..... company ada buat potong gaji terus.. so, sgt lah bagus utk org yg malas menabung spt i.. heeee

HR: Kak Leo... tlg isi borg ni sekali? Nanti Izan arrangekan utk potong gaji trus masuk ASB akak...
Me: Akak nak potong RM500 lah...
HR: boleh je... byk nye akak?
Me: semangat nih... eh Izan, nanti nak withdraw ASB ni kat mana ekk? :P :P :P
harussssss........ blum start menyimpan dah pikir macam mana nak withdraw yaaaaaa......
doakan saya menyimpan dgn gigih ya...

September 2, 2009
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