so many things had happened... so many things to blog... but i dunno why i didn't update any of those here... sowwiii aaaahh...
Summarize (important events which happened between March and today)
1. NRSW Event... so bestlah... nothing to say except Thank You Nike for the gorgeous NikeWomen outfit, Superb Nike Vision sunglasses and a stylish Nike Timing watch!!! oh, how can i forget the nice dinner at That Indian Thing...

2. Kylie's Assessment: wah, so ken-choeng leh... i think everybody else also felt the same thing... i would say it went very well... heard feedback from her which i never expect to get it from a Master Trainer (in a wonderful way lah)... still feels i'm flying everywhere, every now and then... gonna keep my promise to her, bring Bodyjam to a level where it suppose to be... new post offer? hmmm, very likely to accept it ;-)
3. So You Think You Can Dance: He he... went thru the audition with Jimmy and Claire... Jimmy made it to Top20!! congrats Bro... i know u'll be in it... u definitely got my votes... hmm, watch out for 'Shake'... i kinda like him oso... he he... fight fight fight... my interview came out in the 1st episode... so maluuuuuu.... org opis sume bising... alah, i pun nak glemer jugak... he he... made it to 3rd round, but unfortunately i had to leave to Denmark... oso featured on the show... so malu again... never mind, next year i mesti pegi... and Juwita already promised me to teman!!!
4. Denmark trip: a very brief business trip... my 1st time to Europe country... so nice, i like... the weather, the people, the culture, the working environment, which very unlikely you would find it in Malaysia.. found a very experienced business partner, we are reviewing the MOU currently... so, missing the oppportunity to be on TV is worth it after all ya...

5. Port Dickson Trip: My 1st outing with Geng 606 =D so they called themselves lah... they are all collegues from office which have been a very important part of my life too... thank you all for the blast weekend... haven't felt that for a long time.... yeaaa, we all need a vacation once in a while... looking forward for the next one... but, after i recover of course... Shahril, keep ur 'accountant' skills intact... Rossi, jgn le berbunga sangat... Suffian, hmmm u might want to show a bit of your 'feminine' side once in a while... K Kay, hope for your happiness always... adik firdaus, u know u always welcome in my life... Azmer, kawen nanti jgn lupa jemput (nanti buley masuk megezin Hai... he he)... Massuwati, hmmm ko buat je lah apa kau suka... aku ok jer...
6. LATESTTTT!!! i was sick for the past 2 weeks and i still am!!! anybody has a cure for asthma plzzz... not doing classes for almost 2 weeks also... didn't go to work also... had been to SJMC ER for 4 times!!! in 2 weeks.... 16th April, 18th April, 26th April and 30th April... hmmm, all got the nebulizer session... i dunno why this time around my asthma doesn't tone down at all... hmmm, need more rest i suppose...
ok lah rest now...
Nice hairdo babe!