July 6, 2007


helllloooooooo....... i think i got YKH's syndrome (habit for not updating blog in a long period of time) he he... sorry Kok Hoe...

what happened to me in the past 2 months (dipendekkan cerita)

1. Attended a friend's wedding... Natasha and Douglas Lim... My beloved friends who committed to dogs full time okay... can 'kawan2' with Emelda... he he...
2. New post! Yeaa! Me become bodyjam headteacher! ahaks! Hopefully a presenter and a trainer later...
3. Became Ruums regular visitor every Thursday nite to support So You Think You Can Dance... Congratulations Alam... You totally deserve it!!
4. 'Survived' a massive asthma attack.. yikes... still seeing specialist... i'm cutting down all the cold food and drinks (ya right...)
5. Sime Participated in Oil & Gas Exhibition 2007 in Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (OGA). Me 'jaga booth' for the full 3 days... OMG!! i can still feel the pain from driving in KL jam and from 8 hours of standing and smiling..
6. Right after OGA, launched Bodyjam for Fitness First with Tracy, K Ju, Azie, Anthony, Kenny and Ken. Congratulations to BJ-licious for winning the BJ Tribe challenge.. More news for this, pls refer Osmy's aka BJ-licious Manager! heeee... good job man...
6. Launched Bodyjam in Island Plaza, Penang. My first trip to Fitness First Island Plaza. They serve Milo and Sarsi as well..
7. I'm officially a permanent member of Geng 606... he he... this is another set of my friends apart from gym and uni peeps... all from Sime's personnel .. in a way, they were the one who were responsible for my 'asthma trigger = vigorous swimming session in Port Dickson'... heh heh... love you guys still... but pls no more asthma... penat weii... lots of karaoke session... mkn2 session... the latest, mkn2 and swimming session at my apartment... 'clubbing' with my adik, Natsume Maya... wah, boley tahan budak kecik nih...
8. Lost a dear 'abang'... Al-Fatihah to Allahyarham Azizan b. Abdan. May Allah bless his soul. Hanya doa kami untuk Abang. :( I can still hear his laugh sometimes... got thru old albums last night... there were no bitter memories with him. His smile, his laugh, his talent, his 'bebelan' always had been a good one... Adikara will never be the same without him definitely!

Till we meet again fren....