January 16, 2010

Dizzy in a good way! :)

Wedding preparation is really a headache... maybe this is the only time in your life where you want this migrain.. ihiks! *my personal opinion.. feel free to agree/disagree*

usually i'm not a fan of modern style 'hantaran' or 'dais'... however.. this one caught my eye... ahemmm... kudos to Bisik Bisik Design...

digi cam? *wink*


me likey!


  1. sangat kiut itu pelamin bola2 pink..nanti Dhani mesti nak amik ball tu...careful ye pengantin kalau pilih pelamin tu...

    T C ye...tak lama lagi dah..kami pun tak saba nak tgk korang kawen

  2. preparatin for wedding memang sgt me'migrain'kan ya.. for good reason kannn..

    hantaran DSLR itu sgt kelasssss.. design pelamin sgt moden dan cantek..

  3. heee... balkis.. nanti satu bola dikhaskan utk Dhani ya..
