June 24, 2010

150510 - Part 2

hehe..... thanks for waiting.... what else did i saw 'from above'? :D

they read it from cardboard horr....
then.... my father went up to see me, to get me lafaz my consent of this marriage.. of course la I DO... :)

then he went back to join the groom and listen the Imam for 'khutbah' and everything.... then the akad begins..... i'm his in one lafaz... as it is so short and sudden... none of my friends managed to take the akad pictures... ahahaha..... the lafaz only goes like this.... AKU TERIMA NIKAHNYA DENGAN MASKAHWINNYA SEPERTI YANG TERSEBUT..... haaaaa gitiewwww........ bakal2 suami lain.. jangan jeles... hehe.... nak lafaz mcm ni kena kahwin dgn orang Pasir Mas okeh.... Kampung Dangar, Mukim Pauh to be exact... :)  tok Imam yg nervous sbb kena baca nama i yang panjang yang hamatssss tu... sorry... blame my dad okeh....

kami gelak dari atas...

after lafaz... he has to lafaz... 'a promise'... that is he has left me, done bad things to me.. bla bla bla... then i have the rights to fight... hehe.... and that 'promise' was written in Jawi.. there's no translation okeh!!! kudos to my hubby... hehe... not prepared at all and yet he can read it out loud and without.. errr ummm... uuuu... :)
then... we make it legal.... gave the Imam our passport photos as well for the marriage ID....

after i'm officially his wife... i was called by the imam.... "meh meh turun... amik maskahwin" heheh... takde la cam tu... Imam tu sopan je.. malu2 pun ada....

i'm coming..... huhu.... happy nya... hehe...

that is my sister... luv u sis! i look like her if i wear hijjab... hehe

okay... better sit now... my legs are shiverring from nervousness...

u look me... i look u.... wassuppp!

i witnessed the signing also... 

that's my mas kahwin....

pakaikan gelang pulak.....

well... u may kiss ur bride....

i present you.... Mr and Mrs Alif Fazli... :)

"eh eh.... tok Imam... turn saya pulak...." pakcik Alif buat lawak..

more and more after this...


  1. ooowwhh..pendek nyer lafaz..sangat senang..!! tunang i mesti sangat suke kaLo sebegitu pendek lafznyer..~ahakkss

  2. wahhh senang je lafaz kat sana ek?sure kurang debar kan leo?

  3. aty.... kalo nak mcm tu, terpaksa u pi p mas.. kawin luar mukim.. hehe

    farah.... tak kurg jugak la rasa debarnya... cuma org lain je mcm.. "eh.. dah?? sah??" hahah.... kelakar sgt time tu....

  4. bestnya..leh akad di rumah...disini tak bole..

  5. aween... leo mmg nak akad kat rumah.... i grew up in that house.. and i want to start my new era of my life at the same place.... nape kat sana tak boley ekk?
