June 7, 2010

Still in.....

this mode!!!!! *sila muntah skrg* :P

ahahhahahhaha.... eventhough it has been 3 weeks... i still feel it was last weekend... :) :) :)

Lovey dovey wife!


  1. yeahh gojes..upload byk2 sket la..nak cuci mata xpuas ni..cntik2!!!

  2. Leo... santeknye baju u.. suuka sangat. rasa mcm nak pinjam je...

  3. no worries, we are allowed to blog about wedding forever, psl dont stop! hehe.. :)

    cantik sangat!

  4. farah.... nanti leo upload ya.. duk kumpul2 gambar dari camera org neh.. ahahah...

    ida... boley saje, tapi besar la baju Leo utk Ida... eh, mcm best je kan.. kalo wat perjumpaan pastu bwk baju kawin masing2, pastu tukar2 try.. ehee.. best best!

    nurul.. izittt? thank God!!! ahahah.. akan saya truskan mode2 gedik kawin ini!

  5. leoooo..cantiknyyyeeee!!!kite xtau pun awak dh kawin..congrats!!!sori lmbt wish really2 forgot.byknye ur majlis n seme mekap n baju lawa2..nway..layan je feeling2 pengantin ni..hehe..semoga bebahagia k!

  6. tak nak muntah :p

    dear... sangat suka ur wedding and u... huahaha

  7. my dear! sangat lambat to say congratsss!! and OMG you sangat buat i jaws dropping la..kecantikan seri pengantin terserlah!!
