November 18, 2011

Kaedah Budak 7 bulan!

Armand is 7months, 2weeks old... lebih kurang... i would say, he's pretty much the normal 7months baby.... crawling all over the house... eager to walk... hanging on to cabinets... love tv remote controls.. handphones...  *phewwww* tak menang tangan menjaga budak ni... sape kata jadik mak ni senang... huhuh... *terus cium tangan mak sendiri*

So... having a 'moving' baby which is quite hard to control every single movement of his/hers.... what can we do as parents, to minimize their so called 'prone to injuries'? hmmmm.... have you 'child-proof' your home? buang terus meja yg ada bucu2 tajam? owh... sungguh over... ahahahha... as for us, we only managed to remove our tv cabinets... wall mounted our TV... change to higher table to put all those dvd player/ astro/ speakers and etc... hide all the power points as much as we can... other than that.. we don't know what to do.. hehe... if all 3 of us (mummy, daddy and Kak Pur the maid) need to 'work' around the house... we will leave Armand with his toys in his babycot.... bring the babycot close to the door so that he can see us 'working' around the house... budak2 kecik ni bising kalo dia duk sorg2... ke anak uols ok terkelip2 sorg2 tak nampak mak ayah dia.. hehe

ooooom pe cak! inilah gunanya ada babycot yg gabak... ekekke..

for the never ending crawling.. hanging to cabinets.. i don't think i can manage to hear he screams every time when i pulled him away... no choice.. just to follow him everywhere he goes... haihhhh... *semangat utk mummy/ daddy kuruih!*

kantoi! saya sgt suka memanjat tangga umah nenek... daddy dia duk ikut je lah kt blkg.. kang tergolek.. benjol!

WARNING: don't feed your baby after 7pm! he'll be super active... ala2 sugar rush gitu! huishhhh... all i can do is distract him every 10 mins with new things... and yes, his toys are no longer attractive after 10 mins... last night... i gave him tupperware! ahahaha...

oh yeahhhhh.... half an hour with it... banging it... turning and twirling with it.... and suddenly...

la la la laaaaaaa.......... heluuuuuuuuuuu... anybody home???? he's laughing 'inside' the tupperware...

so mommies, what did you do to cater to your baby 'moving needs'? care to share...


  1. yeahh..our babies da start need to go to the gym..layan diorg pon basah ketiak dibueknyer...hohoo

  2. comelnya
    tergelak anum tgk gambar2 si kecik nie

  3. sooo shomell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lgi2 bila kepala masuk bekas tu..huhu

  4. Betul lah orang kata kan, bila anak dah pandai merangkak, mak dia akan boleh kurus.

  5. N... kena pi gak.. sbb duk umah makan takleh control.. ahahha

  6. Anum.. mmg kelako.. kalo sis tape armand duk gelak sorg2 tu mmg kelako.. scary pun ada.. huhu

  7. Ain... boleh kurus tu betul.. akan kurus tu agak sangsi terhadap diri sendri... ahahhaha

  8. Hi Kak Yoe, dah lama tak follow your blog! This week baru start naik keje.. huhu..
    When Hafiy was about Armand's age, our formula was to let him explore all over the house. Yes, toys didn't attract him for more than 10 mins.. Hafiy suke main benda yg kite pegang.. so we end up tak byk pun beli toys. Dia main tupperware, senduk, mangkuk, sudip kayu etc.. haha.. bila dah masuk umo setahun lebih, dia dah kuat skit..lesung batu pun dia main! We just make sure everything is clean. Kelebihannya..bila dia dah puas explore around, dia cepat penat & tido awal!! hehe.. tp mmg penatlah kite yg menjaganya.. make sure your maid mop the house everyday.. tang keselamatan plak mmg la kene baby proof the house.. but for us, we let Hafiy naik turun tangga. That was the first thing yg kami ajar dia. Dia pandai naik turun tangga dulu sebelum padai jalan.. haha.. so senang bila dia dah pandai naik turun sendiri.. kite cuma jaga belakang je..

    P/S : Kite sudah kurus.. lebih kurus dari b4 pregnant.. rahsianya fully BF + tak cukup tido langsung + both anak yg sgt aktif.. ha amik.. terus kurus.. tp bab makan mmg melantak abis.. hehe..alhamdulillah.. so don't worry Kak Yoe, your body will know bila masanya dia perlu kurus.. hehe.. as long as you are healthy, itu lebih penting coz healthy body will make us better mummy!!

  9. Hi Nisa'... haaa lama btul tak muncul.. sekali kuar.. haaa amik ko.. komen cam cerpen! ahahah...

    ya betul! let them explore... lagipun akak punya teori je lah... kalo anak2 duk puas explore and 'mengarut' kat umah sendirik.. then bila gi umah org dia akan behave... ni idak.. gi umah org aiyooooo... masuk2 je trus naik tangga naik tingkat atas umah org.. hishh.. tak skeeee....

  10. hhahahahha kelekar lah pic last tuh..sian ank kamu tuh..addoiiii mmg bnyk keje ler lepas nih kamu...silap2 ank x tidur mmy dah berdengkur lepas nih.lallalllalla...

    armand i luv u lah baby!..

  11. haha..comel gbr armand ngan tupperware tuh..

    situasi disini serupa ye.. tangga adalah faberet..since takde babycourt, sy just letak adam kt walker then let him walk around..even kdg2 dia tak ske duduk dlm walker..(ni kalau time nk buat kerja2 rumah)

    fenat mmg fenat ni takde maid, lagilah fenatssss..semua keja kena buat.. tp tak kurus2 pun..heheh!! perot boncit lg takpe, suatu hari nanti, kita semua akan kembali kurus spt dahulu.. percayalah!!! hehe

  12. Hi armand! Jemput ke blog aunty Salam perkenalan :)

  13. Elin... mmg betul.. ibu dia kalo bley tido skrg, rumah terbakar pun tak bangun kut.. hehe

  14. athidean.. pas ukur, design kitchen cabinet dkt umah aunty leo muleh? hehe

  15. Maya... dah dkt setahun dah, percaya je.. ahahhaha...

  16. ibuhebat.. salam kenalan jugak.. meh meh saya gi jenguk.. hehe...

  17. lame tak jengah armand.. last aritu tgk die dah pndai meniarap sndiri.. now dah pndai merangkak... ohhh... dah pndai maen... mesti teror mengemas armand skang kan??

  18. Dot... yaaaa... skrg ada perangai baru, bukan sajer mengemas keliling rumah tapi dah pandai gardening pokok2 mummy dia.. lempar2 batu, kacau2 tanah.. *fenin*

  19. cutenye men tupperware smpai tertutup muke..he
