January 18, 2009

29 yrs old Bodyjammer!

yep.. me in Q109 Revolution Magazine yo!! check check check it out... huhu...

tick tock.. it has been 4++ years of me being a Bodyjam instructor! yeaaa... (feel old actually :P) from 75kg to 63kg... from Mizuno to Nike... from Consplant to KBT... hehe... so many changes, so many obstacles, so many launches/ theme classes/ demos/ tuitions.... it will keep changing, adding on.... HOWEVER... up until this second, i can proudly say...

1. My soul sistas' love have always been with me (and yeaa.. me love them toooooo....)
2. My love for Bodyjam will never change

They keep me going all this time and insyaAllah it will keep on going... Now in addition, Anthony and Jenny whom I met at the gym... become my soul friends...

It's always a blessing to have true friends... every little fight/ disagreement, we fought for our friendship... we stayed together and keep holding on... that is a true friend! the one who fight for it... not the one who gave up in one single 'stupid assumption' (sebagai contoh la kannn) You'll be surprised on how people always expect other person to be a true friend to them and yet they themselves do NOTHING at the first place... Being a 30 yrs old in this coming Nov09, give me a simple conclusion.. if you want a true friend, you have to become one... ;-) furthermore, we need to ask ourselves.. What do we do to deserve their friendship?

We normally sees what others 'lack' to give to us and yet we didn't realise our 'deficient contribution' to the friendship.... Hey... at least sms them on their birthday or at least on Facebook wall lah? hehe... Jangan ada perasaan hasad dengki... Niat kena sentiasa baik... now.. new year 2009, better do some post-mortem instead of keep coming up with new resolutions :P hehe...

1 comment:

  1. black belt in taekwondo.. i see. interesting ! =)

    best best to be featured in rev. ;-)
