1. Most hated food: Tomato and Bitter gourd

2. Most hated person: Britney Spears? hahahah... (yeah Dennis.. kill me...)
3. Most hated job: Changing the plant to a bigger pot on a hot afternoon at your small veranda... arghhhh....
4. Most hated city: dunno horr...
5. Most hated band: Sup? Screen? Spoon? and all the associates..

6. Most hated (non-blog) website/email: everything that goes to my Spam folder...
7. Most hated TV program: Cak Cak... OMG! i think i can kill each person on that show...

8. Most hated politician: All?
9. Most hated artist: the ones that is featured in MANGGA magazine.. posed beside/ inside the pool!
10. Most hated book: ALL!! yeahhhh.... i don't do reading remember.. heee
11. Most hated shop or store: Herbs shop.. smells funny hor...
12. Most hated organization: BSN!!!
13. Most hated historical event: history? urrmm.. erkkk... ehhh....

14. Most hated sport: Golf!
15. Most hated technology: Nuclear related thingy....
16. Most hated annual event: i usually love any events... ekekekk...
17. Most hated daily task: currently.. watering my plant... too dry... if i dont' do it daily, my plant will look very 'sad'..
18. Most hated comedian: The one that can't make me laugh...
19. Most hated blog: Azwan Ali's... hmmm.. full of hate...
20. Most hated song: "selamat ulang tahunnn... sayanggggggg......" i dunno the title.. but everytime it is aired.. i feel i wanna bomb the car radio... isk isk...
huhu.. i dun feel good listing all my HATEs...

i think i'm sleepy..

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