April 20, 2010

OMG!!! time flies so fasttttt!!!

arghhhh... i got only 3 weeks people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! huhu.... the closer it gets, more things you think you can't get it done on time... matilamak!

i was in pasir mas last weekend... try to get everything under-control... huhu... letihhhhhhhhh.......... most important... permohonan nikah baru nak buat yaaa... huhu.... so settle yg ni dulu.....

borang Kelantan kaler hijau.. hehe... siap ngan carbon copy... takyah gi fotostat... ekekek... malas kannn...

Imam Jurunikah is so funny.... kind man.. of cozz la kan.. imam katanya... Alif asked me to ask him about the lafaz.. hehe... as i suspected.. it will the same as my bro.... AKU TERIMA AKAN NIKAHNYA DENGAN MAS KAHWINNYA SEBANYAK YANG TERSEBUT.... yep... that's it... :) the imam will do all the talking and announcing my name and maskahwin... not the hubby to be... hee...so niceeeeeeee.......  (Alif said)... until.. the imam saw my name... and he went, "alohhhhhh la.... beghat kawe keno ngapal gini..." translate, "huh.. i am the one who has to remember the name of the bride..." heee.... sorry Tok.. not my fault....blame my father.. huhu... he reminded me as well to bring the maskahwin as CASH.. no cheque.. no bankdraft allowed... if we decided to give gold rings as mas kahwin, then he needs to see the ring upon solemnization....

done with that... let's have a look at what has happened at home.. hmmm.... full of wedding stuff of cos... hehe... all are DIYs.... yep... save cost people!!! no other reason... huhu.... this is part of my bedsheet for bilik pengantin... yeah.. luv u mama..... the white one, is the place where the akad gonna take place... instead of groom sitting on a pillow... we've decided to 'wrap' a mattress that can fit both groom and imam... later can use for upacara batal air sembahyang.. meaning him and i.. ekkekeekk.....

rajin mak aku... huhu...

bukan mak sajer rajin... ayah pun tak nak kalah.... he did the frame of the dais remember... huhu... luv u too Lid... can't show the whole thing yet.. i'll decorate it with pomanders, fresh flowers and some danggling crystal first hor... hehe
rajin Lid aku... puji Mak, tak puji Lid kang kecik ati lak...

this one.. i wud say quarter DIY only lah... coz we just put the tag.. ribbon and flower over the gift... tag.. from MarryMe2u.. gift from Inani...

Last but not least, I've found my wedding shoes!!!!!!!!! at LCCT airport.. GLOE... i dun wut brand is that and i dun care...huahuahauh..... they said the only other branch they have is at langkawi airport.. hmmm.. funny.... so... i bought it, ala2 love at first sight... :) 

... kasik tgk tumit sajer yaa... ihiks...
mind the chilli sauce at the back ya... hehe.. taken these pic at KFC... :)



  1. dup dup dup.

  2. cantekkknyaaa bedsheet tu! mak buat? sangat2 jeles okeh..xtau la ma fara nak wat ke x cam tu nnt.. n frame dais tu, ayah buat? mcm ne wat sendri? i tried to imagine how it will look like while reading tau! dah terbayang mmg cantik la.

    leo, ''m sooo impressed!!

  3. lagi 3 weeks kah? so fast???

    meen said - aunty leo... u look very pretty in your pre-wed photos...

    dia x pusing tpt lain pun bila i tunjuk gambar tu... she made the kissing sound - mmmaaahhh... and kissed the screen... hehehehe...

  4. wahhh cantik nyer kasutt!!!! i likeeee!!

  5. hamboih hamboih uolssssssssssssss. takut takkk? heheheheeh. insyaAllah we'll be there ok!

  6. yeayyyyy tak lama lagik dah!!!!!!!!!!



  7. cik leonara ni ore klate jugak ke..hehehe samo la kito

  8. Glitters and blings (right amount of course!) always look good on a bride. I am sure it will look fanatically beautiful on you too! doesnt matter where or what brand the shoe is from. Hmm ... I just love blings, and shoes ~

  9. Me Like GLOE..bling2..hehehehe

  10. aween/ ezam.. mmg dup dap ya... huhu

    faratul... tq so much.. my mum mmg rajin benda2 gitu... hehe... dais tu, nanti siap leo amik gamba penuh kay... :)

    ida... ya ke? like that, i love yasmeen too.. hehe

    nik... yep... maghi la gi pasir mah.. :)

    andrew... u know me always like bling bling.. :)

    bro.. nak pinjam? :)
    farah... pi carik cenggitu jugak... hehe....

    anies... yesss... mmg takoooootttt.... sila sila dtg... :)

  11. kasut sgt meletopsss ya.. berdebar-debarnya hatimu... hehe

  12. dear, u lagi advance dari i..pantas betul..hehehhe
    nok tanya pasal borang kawin tu, selagi xsiap yang lelaki punya kita xleh buat borang kita ke? buleh buat detail entry dop pasa urusan bore kawin di klate..ahaks... hehehhe
