Peeps... besides busy with work, i'm in the midst of transferring to a new blog... tadaaaaaaa.......... tungguuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.......
keep in mind these questions...
- buy blouses?
- buy shawls?
- customize/ readymade?
- cheap??
December 22, 2011
December 19, 2011
my new activity
besides exploring every single corner of our house... i'm trying my very best to be part of whatever that grown-ups do..... so.. mummy had a quite hard time trying her best to cater to my needs.. hehe.. sorry mummy.. i'll be baby only once.. bear with me okeh! i know you are loving it even though most of the times your dahi berkerut seribu and pitching suara mummy semakin meninggi... ahahahhaah....
one fine morning i tried to grab mummy's medela while she's expressing her milk... so, to distract me from doing that... mummy put me in this lah.. laundry basket! hmm... menarek gak tempat baru neh...
pastu kan.. kalo mummy cakap saya hensemnyaaaaa... saya akan tersengeh mcm ni...
mummy pun mesti ckp.. "tak koserrrrrrrrrr"
at night... while mummy is 'busy' with her favourite shows, daddy will give this one circular thingy.. which i couldn't remember i took it from which toy.. and daddy said, "mummy look... armand does Magic! tadaaaaaaaaaa......"
hasil hidung mancung daddy katanya... hmmmm
see you again! not sure what i'll do next...
December 17, 2011
siaran tergendala sebentar
ehehe.... maap... mummy armand sgt bz.. dgn kerja dan pelbagai urusan... i have changed department! :) that's the biggest thing that had happened to me these past few days... with new tasks... new challenges.. i'm still juggling everything... hopefully i can manage to blog as usual soon...
nantikan kemunculan mummy armand lagi ya... ehee...
anddd.......... remember my jahit thingy? ekekeke... care to look look and shop shop? i'm very much hope can tambah rezeki lagi... demi Armand... eheh...
haaaaaaaaa... sapraisssssssssssssssssssss..............
nantikan kemunculan mummy armand lagi ya... ehee...
anddd.......... remember my jahit thingy? ekekeke... care to look look and shop shop? i'm very much hope can tambah rezeki lagi... demi Armand... eheh...
haaaaaaaaa... sapraisssssssssssssssssssss..............
December 7, 2011
Mummy made me wear pink!
yep! me in pink! hmmm... but i like! ahahhah... can see my face.. very da happy! there's no other choice because there's only piece/colour, that i can fit in... others way too big... like the salesgirl said, it's quite uncommon for Malaysian to get babies into swimming pool... she made me try the suit.. eheh.. me like coz she said me sooo hensemmm...
yep... daddy bought me a swimsuit!! can't wait for this long weekend... mummy gonna dip with me in the swimming pool... yippeeeeeeee!!!!!!
December 6, 2011
Apa masalah ko???
Apa masalah ko???? *slap slap* <---- this is what i WILL do to Armand, if he ever to speak like dat!!!! wah.. emo kahh??? nahhh... just a gimic for an intro... ngeh ngeh ngeh.. no angry angry with me.. how can i be emo if i were to see this face everyday? :)
"saya ada utang sesape kahhh???"
hiks! he was caught doing this!!
yep... hang kebun! he likes to pick up that white pebbles as well.. and managed to get his fingers into the pot! aihhh... hitam sume kuku2.. tu pun seb baik potong pendek... this is the time where he will try to reach everything and all will end up in his mouth! all the best to all parents out there.. hehe... cherish this phase the most... while it last! :)
at Nenek's house... walker is no fun! as he can't really go to the celah celah...
ntah apa la di beleknya kat tepi sofa tu.. dah la kaler baju blend-in kannn....
mummy? counting days to slimming... *bila la tuhhhhh*
December 5, 2011
Alhamdulillah, i'm 8 months old today!
going to 8 months... i've been introduced to more variety of solid foods... hehe.. me like! mummy knows very well how to handle me when they brought me to any kenduri.. gimme something to munch and i'll keep quiet.. :) for the last 2 weeks... i've been to 5-6 weddings!!! *mummy pun lupa* 3 of those chinese wedding dinner... one of those is malay wedding dinner at SDCC... wow! mummy enjoying the food very much... my food choice is very limited.. aihhhhh... have to wait until i'm older mummy said... aihhhh again....
what i love about weddings...
what i love about weddings...
pakai baju ensem ensem! *this one in Merdeka Palace, Sarawak*
leh duk kat baby chair.. pastu makan sudu ngan kotak gift! *this one in Marriot Putrajaya*
pakai baju ensem ensem pastu pakai bib 'celebrity in training' *this one in Berjaya Times Square*
p/s: please disregards mummy's dress.. 2 diff weddings but she wore same suit.. hmmm.. lack of choice she said!
kindly wait for next update.. i got caught 'red-handed' doing so many things.. aihhhh... susah la jadi budak.. sume benda nak pegang pun tak boley!!!!
yang membesar
December 2, 2011
hitman aka pembunuh upahan... have u ever wonder what happened if you were Angelina Jolie in Salt... or Angelina Jolie in Wanted or Mr & Mrs Smith? *tetap cth pakai kak angelina kannnnn* Will your life be more interesting? ekekkekkk.... tapi tak baik la kan bunuh org... huhuuhuuuu... sekadar pembunuh nyamuk, semut dan sebagainya tu ok tak?
ant killer in training.... *ritu train dragon ala2 tido je kan...*
ant killer in training.... *ritu train dragon ala2 tido je kan...*
While Armand was doing his normal routine, checking under the table and everywhere... he encountered an ANT!! he looked at it for quite some time... very anxious... and suddenlyyyyyy........
piak! piak! piak!!! kill kill kill!!! die die die!!!!!
there goes my 'hit-ant' in training... i had a good laugh that night... this little munchkin of mine always brings smile to my face and brighten my gloomy days... which i really need it the most right now... maybe that 'somebody' has no family to turn to when you're done at work... he never has that feeling of wanting to run to your family, kiss them and hug them every single day.... and with that feeling and obligations, would somehow change you and makes you a better person... maybe, that's why his decisions always seem unreasonable and selfish... all is about business.. all is about money... i pity him... Ya Allah, please bless him with hidayah... So that he stops ruining other people's life just because he thinks it's the right thing to do.. Aminnn...
Yang tawakkal,
Mummy Armand
p/s: rasa nak bunuh org bleyyyyy...
November 30, 2011
November 24, 2011
me, myself and er
sesungguhnya... sudah lama saya tidak ber-sinonim dengan nebulizer di ER SDMC... uhuk uhukkk....
sorry peeps... so many things i wanna share yet so little energy left... will resume once i'm back alive and kicking!
yang asthma,
November 18, 2011
Kaedah Budak 7 bulan!
Armand is 7months, 2weeks old... lebih kurang... i would say, he's pretty much the normal 7months baby.... crawling all over the house... eager to walk... hanging on to cabinets... love tv remote controls.. handphones... *phewwww* tak menang tangan menjaga budak ni... sape kata jadik mak ni senang... huhuh... *terus cium tangan mak sendiri*
So... having a 'moving' baby which is quite hard to control every single movement of his/hers.... what can we do as parents, to minimize their so called 'prone to injuries'? hmmmm.... have you 'child-proof' your home? buang terus meja yg ada bucu2 tajam? owh... sungguh over... ahahahha... as for us, we only managed to remove our tv cabinets... wall mounted our TV... change to higher table to put all those dvd player/ astro/ speakers and etc... hide all the power points as much as we can... other than that.. we don't know what to do.. hehe... if all 3 of us (mummy, daddy and Kak Pur the maid) need to 'work' around the house... we will leave Armand with his toys in his babycot.... bring the babycot close to the door so that he can see us 'working' around the house... budak2 kecik ni bising kalo dia duk sorg2... ke anak uols ok terkelip2 sorg2 tak nampak mak ayah dia.. hehe
So... having a 'moving' baby which is quite hard to control every single movement of his/hers.... what can we do as parents, to minimize their so called 'prone to injuries'? hmmmm.... have you 'child-proof' your home? buang terus meja yg ada bucu2 tajam? owh... sungguh over... ahahahha... as for us, we only managed to remove our tv cabinets... wall mounted our TV... change to higher table to put all those dvd player/ astro/ speakers and etc... hide all the power points as much as we can... other than that.. we don't know what to do.. hehe... if all 3 of us (mummy, daddy and Kak Pur the maid) need to 'work' around the house... we will leave Armand with his toys in his babycot.... bring the babycot close to the door so that he can see us 'working' around the house... budak2 kecik ni bising kalo dia duk sorg2... ke anak uols ok terkelip2 sorg2 tak nampak mak ayah dia.. hehe
ooooom pe cak! inilah gunanya ada babycot yg gabak... ekekke..
for the never ending crawling.. hanging to cabinets.. i don't think i can manage to hear he screams every time when i pulled him away... no choice.. just to follow him everywhere he goes... haihhhh... *semangat utk mummy/ daddy kuruih!*
kantoi! saya sgt suka memanjat tangga umah nenek... daddy dia duk ikut je lah kt blkg.. kang tergolek.. benjol!
WARNING: don't feed your baby after 7pm! he'll be super active... ala2 sugar rush gitu! huishhhh... all i can do is distract him every 10 mins with new things... and yes, his toys are no longer attractive after 10 mins... last night... i gave him tupperware! ahahaha...
oh yeahhhhh.... half an hour with it... banging it... turning and twirling with it.... and suddenly...
la la la laaaaaaa.......... heluuuuuuuuuuu... anybody home???? he's laughing 'inside' the tupperware...
so mommies, what did you do to cater to your baby 'moving needs'? care to share...
November 17, 2011
*sniff sniff*
shrotttttttttttttttttttttt.......... idung saya bermukus hari ahad lepas! my body temperature 37.8 deg C! mummy and daddy keep sponging me all night...... temp go down to 36.9.... but rise again the next morning... so they brought me to see DocSanjay.... temp back to 37.6... doc said it's a 'normal fever'... baby under one year, usually will have a bit feverish, their natural way to fight disease.. monitor his temp not to go above 38... he'll be okay in 2-3 days.. no medication needed... so mummy and daddy just keep sponging to keep me cool... and for the stuffy nose... mummy 'sprayed' me the Sterima... i think it's a mixture of salt and water.. just to keep the airway clear... huhu... i don't like!
during visit to DocSanjay... we had to wait almost 2 hours.. first, we are on the waiting list because of emergency appointment.. secondly, doc's gonna be on a 'holiday' for a week.. so the whole week appt were brought forward on Monday.. aishhhh... me so bored.. with stuffy nose... so stressed! *mummy oso* but mummy knows how to distract me.... finally i can use the mini playground at SDMC...
i'll scream everytime i got sprayed!
but after that i felt much better... and sleep!!
during visit to DocSanjay... we had to wait almost 2 hours.. first, we are on the waiting list because of emergency appointment.. secondly, doc's gonna be on a 'holiday' for a week.. so the whole week appt were brought forward on Monday.. aishhhh... me so bored.. with stuffy nose... so stressed! *mummy oso* but mummy knows how to distract me.... finally i can use the mini playground at SDMC...
sorry peeps.. no energy to smile!
owh... flower looks nice!
today... i felt wayyyyyyy better! no more high temperature... alhamdulillah.. nose still a bit stuffy.... but no more sneezing... insyaAllah i will be 100% free from disease by this weekend so we can have fun in Kuching! yayyy... another flight trip!! hhhmmmmm..... but this time AirAsia... definitely cannot get the baby bassinet! during the trip to Vietnam... i got to be in the bassinet.. so cool! pic in mummy's iPhone.. hmm.. she doesn't know how to transfer it to laptop! ahhaha... yes.. mummy hates iPhone.. she's a blackberry person...
can't wait for KCH trip!
November 16, 2011
Reason I'm quiet these few days
yaaaa...... sink saya runtuh!!!! hasben 'tongkat' ngan kayu jek dulu...
so last two days, we were working on our new kitchen cabinet n etc... seems like i'm gonna work on new kitchen sooner than i thought.. hehe... it's like pre-test before our new home... :) rumah tunggang terbalik skrg... ada maid pun kurang membantu sbb skill dia menyusun barang.. yaa rabbi... ahemmmmmmmmm... hancusssssssss... ended up, i'm the one who does everything... daddy babysits Armand....
new kitchen cabinet soon!!
November 11, 2011
I'm 7 months on Mummy's bday!!
5th November 2011... mummy celebrated her 32nd birthday... *yaaa... mummy saya tak muda dah.. hehe* and that makes me 7 months!! yayyy... mummy promised, when i reached 7th months, she wanted to start to add rice and meat to my food... yippeeeee!!!!! :)
As it was on Saturday... daddy ordered mummy's favourite flower, Lilies to the house... hmmm... mati2 i ingat bunga tu utk i sempena 7 bulan... hoh! Daddy also ordered mummy's favourite cake.. carrot cake... mummy ate a lot... hmmm... pastu mengadu berat tak turun2.. hmmm... we had fun as all the families were here for Aidiladha... happy2... laugh2... all the way... other photos are forbidden to public... ahahahhaah....
Armand: "So mummy.. how about my rice and meat???? :)"
Mummy: "yelah yelahhhhhh....."
Puree: Rice with fish and carrot
Ingredients: one small carrot, 1/2 fish (no bones and skin - and i use Seabass *siakap la dlm bahser melayu*... ahhaha), 1/2 cup of rice
Blend rice using dry blender until it's smooth.. then take 1/2 cup... the rest keep in a airtight tupperware. Why I blend it? it makes it easier to cook the rice... no more than 5mins! cool aite??
Happy trying mommies!
As it was on Saturday... daddy ordered mummy's favourite flower, Lilies to the house... hmmm... mati2 i ingat bunga tu utk i sempena 7 bulan... hoh! Daddy also ordered mummy's favourite cake.. carrot cake... mummy ate a lot... hmmm... pastu mengadu berat tak turun2.. hmmm... we had fun as all the families were here for Aidiladha... happy2... laugh2... all the way... other photos are forbidden to public... ahahahhaah....
Armand: "So mummy.. how about my rice and meat???? :)"
Mummy: "yelah yelahhhhhh....."
Puree: Rice with fish and carrot
Ingredients: one small carrot, 1/2 fish (no bones and skin - and i use Seabass *siakap la dlm bahser melayu*... ahhaha), 1/2 cup of rice
steam fish + carrot for 15-20 mins

Cook the rice... add reasonable water of course... *pok pok sape2 yg tak reti masak bubur.. hish*
within minutes, the blended rice will cook smoothly... jangan duk campur garam gula pulak ya...
Then pour the cooked rice into the steamed carrot + fish...
Blend it together... until puree smooth... this last texture, depends on your baby... Armand doesn't like lumpy food... so everything needs to be pureed. Some babies prefer lumps bit here and there....
put into your babycubes! with the above portion, i managed to fill up 16 babycubes. Wait until it cools down... and freeze it up! :) i usually microwave it for 3 mins.. and add some chilled EBM before serving it to Armand... and he loves to eat! hehe... which babies do not? hiks! Armand eats 3 times a day.. dinner only banana or prune juice.....
Happy trying mommies!
November 10, 2011
Salam Aidiladha
wish Aidiladha on 14th Zulhijjah considered late kah? ekekkek.... not too late aite aite aite.... *sambil kelip kelip mata*
Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha dari kami bertiga... muahhhh...
p/s: abaikan mummy n daddy yg tak kurus2 ittiewww.... huhu...
As for Armand... he had a blast! :) Grandpa and Tok, Nda Na and Ami Faiz, Abe, Abe Adeem and Kak Naili flew all the way from Pasir Mas to celebrate Aidiladha with us here in KL... Nda Tik and family didn't join because Kak Lia is sitting for SPM this year.. so she prefers not to follow... but promised after SPM, she'll hang out in KL for as long as she can.. ahhaha...
So, for the first time for me, on Hari Raya... No food prepared! hehe... we visited our relatives the whole day instead.. First stop, of course Nenek and Atok in Kelana Jaya.. after that... Ami Syed Jalaluddin and Nda Sah in Bangsar.. lastly Nda Teh at Jalan San Ah Wing (betul ker nama jalan neh... alah.. yg dkt jalan gurney keramat tuhh...)... As usual, Armand will play 'adult' by holding on to any cabinets that he can reach! aihhhh... baru merangkak sebulan.. sibuk nak berdiri dah.. hishhh... sabor la anak weiiii... penat mummy nak kejor!
i like to be cute when mummy takes a photo of mine... daddy said, Armand senyum kambin...
i can stand odi.. see see seeee.... *perasan mode!*
but usually i'll end up like this...
okay.. i'm tired! gimme food pelissssss... or Prune juice will do
November 9, 2011
November 4, 2011
Xin chào VietNam - final!
ya yaaa... i know... so long never finish yet ka citer vietnam neh... ekkeke... one more one more... :) final odi.. just to summarize...
we had fun!
roads look like impossible to cross.. heheh... 80% of it, full of
motorcyclists... but i can assure you, they will never run you down...
and i think their accident rate is lower than ours too.. hehe...
more thing that amazes me is, their helmet!!! soooo cute!!! *kalo kat
msia.. mmg tak lulus helmet camni yaa* also can be bought along the
streets.. murah murah jual...
really a 'leisure vacation'.. especially when you are traveling with
your parents and baby! only valid thing to do.. is shopping! ehehe...
this is my hasil.. chiffon and cotton! :) *the plain orange have been 'cut' into skirt!* hehe.. definite sharing with you the outcome...
last but not least... the main reason
why Vietnam is my choice.. is to attend Bodyjam Advanced Instructor
Module 1 in California Fitness & Yoga, Hung Vuong Plaza... this is the gang... :) i had a blast... wishing to continue my Bodyjam teaching very soon... *owh.. cepat la kurussss!* thanks to Arnold Warren for the valuable feedback! thanks to Annie, Philip, DJ and Ing for the warmth hospitality.... :) do contact me if you are coming to Kuala Lumpur for workshop ya...
notice the gorgeous girl in purple (Annie)?
other being a great bodyjam instructor.. she teaches pole dance too!!!
wooowwww!!! she asked me to try.. errrkkk... gayat meks! ahahah...
p/s: i got her permission to post her pic here hor.. :)
that's it! no more Vietnam story... maybe if my sewing become vigorously active, i might come back for more cloths... ekekkeke...
Xin chào VietNam!
LEONORA!!!!! 32!!!!!! *miss universe style!*
November 2, 2011
baru la wedding 12juta.. ehh.. RM61juta yaaa!!!!!
Coco Lee celebrated her wedding with Bruce Rockowitz in a Jewish Wedding in Hong Kong on Oct 28, 2011....
Coco had a BEAUTIFUL 5 tiered tall Wedding Cake weighing 400 pounds extravagantly decorated by fresh flowers created by Sevva in HK.
yaaaa.... ni baru gaun Vera Wang...yg M***y pakai tu nan hadoooo....
*credit to... *
yang lain2... credit from Ohbulan.. :)
RM61 juta! Itu adalah kos keseluruhan perkahwinan yang melibatkan
bintang Asia, Coco Lee & Bruce Rockowitz, seorang jutawan yang
berasal daripada Kanada. Perkahwinan yang berlangsung selama 2 hari di Hong Kong ini menelan belanja yang teramat besar atas sebab-sebab
tertentu.Sekurang-kurangnya RM30 juta telah dibelanja untuk penginapan
bertaraf 6 bintang serta tiket penerbangan bagi 1100 jemputan yang
terdiri daripada ahli keluarga dan rakan terdekat. RM9.2 juta dibelanjakan untuk kos jet peribadi bagi menerbangkan
selebriti bertaraf dunia seperti Oprah Winfrey, Mariah Carey dan
Jennifer Lopez.
Manakala, kos cincin perkahwinan sahaja sudah menelan belanja sekitar
RM9 juta. Dan pelbagai kos sampingan seperti persiapan perkahwinan,
gaun perkahwinan Vera Wang, barangan kemas dan kos perunding perkahwinan
yang tidak dinyatakan kepada umum.Rockowitz dikatakan mengambil masa selama 3 tahun untuk menempah
keseluruhan Pulau Dimakya, Filipina sempena bulan madu. Rockowitz, 53
pernah diundi sebagai Top 50 CEO dalam sebuah majalah terbitan negara
Dia berhijrah ke Hong Kong ketika usia 19 tahun, menjadi jurulatih
tenis dan kemudian menceburi bidang perniagaan. Kini, Rockowitz
merupakan CEO bagi kumpulan syarikat Li & Fung, juga memiliki
perniagaan lain.
sila verangan skrg!!!
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