For me, errr... hmmmm.... close eyes, open eyes, close eyes, open eyes... it has been 5 months!!!!!!! hauhauhauaaaa..... yep.. i didn't check my mail from May until last nite.... u wanna know what's inside? tadaaaaaaa............

hehe... that's my mail for the whole 5 months... CC, bills, rubbish (yep.. got 1 chocolate 'casing' hehe).... no tepon ah long pun ada, from mcm2 'organization'... and all sorts of advertisement..... i want to put up pic after the massive reading/ scanning the letters but i could not get an angle without showing my name and house add... very the dangerous....
why i didn't check it? lotss of reasonsss... 2 mains are:
1. Malassssss....
2. I lost the padlock key :) or i could not find it.. (lost la tuh kan...) how i managed to open it this time? ehemmm... kata dah jadik pendekar kan... i sentap je kunci tuh... heheheh... terbukak terus (sbb dia kecik and dah karat2.. so senang terbukak kut...) it reminds me to use bigger padlock la hor next time....
how do i pay bills if i don't know the amount?
1. Electric + water = average... so i always pay RM50 per month for electric, and RM15 for water... :)
2. Astro/ Insurance = auto debit from my CC
3. MPSJ/ Streamyx = coz it's constant, MPSJ RM147 every 6 months and Streamyx RM77+RM30 (sewa line.. :P) every month...
4. Maxis mobile... = statement by email.. so Maybank2u lah.. opps... now it's HSBC-2u... eheh
5. CC payment... heheh... HSBC and Maybank can be viewed from online banking.. so i dun need the statement.. Eon bank/ MBF/ Alliance bank.. i only pay when they call to remind that it's already 2 months due... hahah (yup.. i pay the late payment charges.. and i don't mind paying.. :P walaupun i tak kaya...). Citibank CC, i kinda know roughly how much i used it coz that CC is for my business purposes only... (kadang2 tersesat la jugak brg2 nike seketul dua.. huhu)
6. dah abis i think....
talking about CC... owh.. i so fed-up with Citibank customer service officer the other day.... one thing for sure, that lady kena marah ngan i sebab kobodohan system Citibank sendiri...
whole story
last week.. got one call... asking whether i've received the new Gold Visa Card... dalam hati, kalau ada pun, confirm aku tak tau.. dah tak pernah check surat kan... hehe.. then i asked why, coz i din ask to upgrade nor ask for a different card.. then she said the Ready Cash Card will no longer be valid until end of the year.. so that one is a replacement.. fine enough la kan... so i said.. "nope.. nothing... but i have one reminder to pick up pos laju postage.. it shud be it i think" and she answered, yes it shud be coz she sent it to my house add.. do give Citibank a call back once i've picked it up... fine enuf...
i pun pegilah amik... tup tup... HSBC card rupanya... never mind lah.. if takde then i senyap lah sampai they call me back.. until i wanna write the cheque to pay the citibank CC.. i thot.. opps.. if card baru, then it wud be diff no la kan.. so, i'm not sure.. to be on the safe side, i've called the main customer service number.. press 1 for english... bla bla bla.. i went straight away to 'speak to our customer service officer'.. bla bla bla... dia kata pakai je no lama, end of the year baru tukar... then, dah alang2 tepon i tanya la pasal kad yg diorg dah hantar tapi i tak receive.. dia kata in records, dah hantar, to the office add!!! darah i dah nak naik dah... dulu kata home add, ni opis add lak... i said, if dkt opis, i din receive anything...
Citibank officer (Ms X): owh.. u shud have received it coz it was sent on 15th September
Me: What?? nope.. i didn't receive any...
Ms X: But it stated in the system the card already been sent..
Me: Ya lar.. that's your system... but my brain didn't recall anything regarding signing any paper acknowledge receipt of the CC. Can you just send another card then?
Ms X: owh.. we cannot do that Maam.. coz the promo for the Gold Card is over... moreover, the card has already been issued and accepted by you...
Me: I don't really want to know about your promo... but, if u want me to still use the CC, gimme a new one... by the way, can you fax me the acknowledgement of receipt of that CC? coz i'm sure CC will never be sent by normal post...
Ms X: No Maam.. we can't do that.. there's no way i can track that doc for you...
(she wants to say sumtin else.. but i dah naik darah...)
Me: What the F * * *... (yep.. i mmg pakai word tu yaaaaa) u 'accused' me of having that card, and yet you dare not show me the prove!! i never ask for the card at the 1st place...
Ms X: (ntah apa dah dia membebel.. sory maam.. bla bla bla... i dah tak dgr apa dia ckp... sbb dah bengang gilerrr..)
Me: Ms X, shut-up.. i don't want to hear anything... u go back and check the system or whomever person-in-charge... make sure... nobody calls me asking whether i have received the card! coz i didn't! full stop!
(then i hang-up the fon...)
Confused:.. hantar dkt home add ke ofis add...
anyway.. after busting my own pigeon hole.. rupanya ada yaaaaaa...... CC baru......... hantar pakai normal post rupanyaaaaaaaaaa....... mangkuk hayun... akan ku tepon lagi besok... kalo kena budak yg sama... abis lah budak tuh...
Summary of incidents:
1. Citibank system bodoh... buat lain, dlm system lain... dah budak tu yg kena..
2. Check lah surat-menyurat anda at least seminggu sekali.. heeeeeeeeeeeee.....
mak ai!! garangnyer.. huhu..
ReplyDeletehuahuahua.... PMS katanya...