No mere words can express more to what i felt during those launches.. and i believe the launch team felt the same as well.. also big thanks and hugs to them.. Anthony, Ken, Kok Hoe, Stephen and Cheryl.. Keep grooming those grooves.. I confidently believe you can do it! and of course my sistas Azyei and Juwita... Your effort will always be appreciated and loved! :D
aside from that.. managed to drag Nizam and Anis (muay thai fellow) to dance with me!! hehe.. and Lys and Mona from the office were with us as well!! yeaaa.... hopefully they enjoyed it as much as me watching them dance on the floor... hehe...
IOI team! First launch for Cheryl... I would say she did very well... Well done gurl!!

With Zarina.. hey hey.. Jam instructor in the making... freshly made from my class in True Fitness Taipan.. heeeeee.........

andddd... Taipan members joined the fun on Xmas eve as well.. thankssss.....

hehe.. Xmas day was as packed as Xmas eve... hmmm... ramai yang takde date macam i rupanya.. hehe this was how Curve's studio sardine packed on that day... again.. thanks u all!!!

and these are the instructors yang sentiasa over!!

hehe.... MOI SISTAS!!

MOI SISTAS jugakss.... ehemmm... p/s: anthony, you pernah couple dengan perempuan tak?