Al-fatihah to baby Kak Di (cousin to my friend)... died at 2 months old... due to choking... :(
very common nowadays in Malaysia... baby choking hazards.... if you were in her shoes, what would you feel? *cry* left at babysitters/ nursery... died of people's negligence... wallahualam... dah ajal dia kan... sedih memang sedih.... of all the days, the day that the baby died, the baby slept from 3pm to 5pm... and the babysitter thought baby just had a deep good sleep.. :( i am very sure the babysitter will feel guilty for the rest of her life as well....
when i was 30++ weeks pregnant, similar case happened in Putrajaya nursery, somewhere in JB and few others as well.. then we decided there and then NOT to take Armand to babysitter or nursery! at least for the first 3 years... we couldn't bear the thought the same thing would happen to us... :( so we took maid and still, NOT leaving Armand alone with her... we took baby + maid to MIL's house... at least we have our mother to supervise the maid... hati pun tenang sikit...
i hereby, pray to Allah... Ya Allah... Kau jauhkanlah dari kami dugaan yg sebegini Ya Allah... Aminnn....
Sometimes.. this is where some mothers would leave their job so that they can take care of the child/ children themselves... how about you? how about others? Honestly, living in KL, my husband and i could not afford to be living with single income... if someday insyaAllah, ada rezeki lebih dari Allah... saya memang akan berhenti kerja... tapi sekarang, kami berdua bekerja keras utk menyediakan kehidupan yg lengkap utk anak kami... medical, education is not cheap okeh! so for all working mothers out there, go go go!! we share the same worry towards our child.. let's pray hard to God... semoga apa yg kita usahakan ini diberkati Allah... aminnn....
Sleepy... hmmm
p/s: for stay-at-home moms.. keep up the good work! :)
saya yg baby belum keluar ni pon kecut perut dengan cerita2 mcm ni :(
ReplyDeletelucky me, insyaAllah my mom will take care of my baby nanti.
Sama2 kita doa benda2 yang tak di-ingini mcm ni terjadi kat kita, Ameen!
al-fatihah for her baby
ReplyDeleteIza... yes! you are lucky... alhamdulillah... :)
ReplyDeleteYa Allah,mintak2lah dijauhkan dari sebarang benda yg tak diingini kan?
I ni nanti nak keje camne lah nak tinggal Batrisya kat BS. dah la nun kat sarawak tue. kalau kat Kl boleh la anta umah mak ke. haisshh. takot pulak dengar!
Al- fatihah.. Emm, perkara yg lebih kurang sama dgn apa yg saya alami.. End up, saya resigned n jaga anak sendiri.. :( dan perkara2 mcm ni mmg sentiasa menghantui kita sebagai seorang ibu.. Tp apa nk buat, klau nk bkerja terpaksa cari pengasuh..
ReplyDeleteharap pengasuh2 lebih peka dgn hal2 ni dan beri lebih perhatian pd bayi jagaan mereka.. Kalau jd perkara camni sendiri sesal x sudah.
balkidz... pls check bground BS tu dulu ya.. :(
ReplyDeleteMaznie.. tu lah... kena pulak dkt Msia... takde yg nak press charges ke apa... benda ni kena jadi pengajaran utk org ramai..
Al-Fatihah...ya allah, sedihnya dengar.
ReplyDeleteDilema ibu bekerja macam ni lah. Nak jaga anak sendiri, ekonomi tak kukuh lagi nak benti keja. Nak tak nak & dgn berat hati terpaksa gak hantar nursery. Tawakal dan doa jer yg mampu smoga anak² kat nursery di jaga dgn baik.
Dear, i nak jadual pumping u tu bley tak ☺☺☺ -
fiza... email 2u aldy! :)
ReplyDeletemmg kes mcm ni kerap sangat berlaku... its true that modt couple nowadays can afford with single income.. *nanges* i ni, pasrah je la hantar anak kt rmh nanny esok...
ReplyDeletemmg seram dgr cerita mcm tuh..nauzubillah!! semoga tidak terjadi kpd kita..tak sanggup nk hadapi dugaan itu..
ReplyDeletenk cari maid pun payah skang ni..tawakkal je lah hantar anak kt nk jd fulltime h/wife nih..heheh..sama2lah kita berusaha..caiyok..caiyok..
AL FATIHAH...buat baby.
ReplyDeleteLeo, we shared the same worry, sebab tu i tak nak org lain jaga my son selain my mom. Tak de niat nak menyusahkan emak. Tapi tak de alternatif yg menyakinkan.
true true and true... if nak hantar ke nursery tu, please pesan kat tukang jaga, jgnlah biar baby menyusu sendiri... jgn pakai bantal ada 'lekuk' kat kepala tu... dangerous for baby... kalo tido lebih sejam tu cuba jenguk2... huhu... and berdoa jgn putus....
ReplyDeletealhamdulillah kepada yg mana ada mak/ MIL yg boleh tlg jengukkan anak2... hargailah mereka..spt belanja mereka berbuka di hotel.. gitiewww... ekekkeke...
Shu.. tu lah.. Leo amik maid utk tlg MIL.. sbb dia pun bukan muda.. takut dia penat... kang nenek sakit, umah bersepah, cucu pun tak terjaga.. huhu...
ReplyDeleteKalau la kebetulan, ni baby Haziq yg meninggal di Bukit Jelutung/Shah Alam right?
If betul, the father of the baby was my neighbour masa di Bangi dulu...and sedih sgt dengar cerita time bapa arwah baby tu mandikan jenazah baby tu...all of us cried masa my mom ceritakan semula kisah dari nenek arwah baby tu... father dia mandikan jenazah exactly mcm dia mandikan baby masa hidup... :(
The mother pula, dah berpuluh2 susu dia pam untuk baby...pulak tu jenis byk susu... kesian sgt2... we never had the chance to see the baby sebab dah tak duduk bangi lagi... the last time i met the parents, masa baby dlm perut mak dia, lg sebulan nk due...
Al-fatihah... baby Haziq menanti kedua2 ibu bapanya di depan pintu syurga...