August 10, 2011

Production increased! :)

alhamdulillah... rasa sedih sudah berlalu... yayy!!! why?????? as you all know, my Ramadhan didn't started very well... sickness, low production.. bla bla bla...

however... this week.... no more!!!! :) biggest contribution of my happiness is.... tadaaaaaaaaaaa..........

see see see!!! yesterday i got 18oz of EBM in Ramadhan!!! my new formula works!!! weeehooooooooo....... mummy happyyyyyyyyy........... :) daddy also happy because mummy stop babbling to him about low production... ahahhaha....

back to my pumping schedule above.. as you can see, i only pumped once on 7th.. because it is Sunday, i direct feed my baby... yesterday also one time because Armand woke up for sahur.. hehe... so i don't pump when the 'pump time' is replaced by direct feed... you know, you can't dictate time to your baby horr... "hey Armand, mummy wants to pump at 8pm, so at that time you don't ask mummy for milk horr" an example laaa.... 

so.... what did i took? how i managed to get that? just to share with you... :) not sure whether it will work for you but if you wanted to do the same... please, be my guest... nothing to lose aite? ;-)

1st - i changed my pump schedule! from 4 times during the day (7am, 11am, 3pm, 6pm)... to 3 times only (one time during the day, one time before/ after sahur and one time before i go to sleep) i found this method makes me less tired when i fast and i can replenish with lots of water and food also :D during the night... 

2nd - i took MORE supplement! :) my normal will be Vit C, Multivitamin, Alfalfa and Obimin... now, i took ESP! Energizing Soy Protein.. wow! this thing works wonders for me... seriously... no more 'tummy pain' because of 'hunger' during fasting... and of course, i would say ESP has got to do with the increment of my milk production... Alhamdulillah....  it costs me RM121.00. Bought from Alin.. :)


For mommies out there, you can try this to help with your milk production... hehe... just a warning, i don't like the taste on it's own... euwwwwwwww... honest i tell you! euwwwwwwww.... but, with the help of 'google'... ekekke.. i found out lots of 'users' has come out with several recipes to drink this... haven't had time to try it all yet.. currently, i took it with Milo and Sarsi.. yes.. Sarsi.. ahahhaha... so please, do try several tastes to find which is suitable to your taste buds ya! :)

3rd - of course.. lots of positive thinking and DOA!!! :) avoid stress of any kind as much as you can. Can i not go to work? ahahha... and eat!!! please... amik mcm2 supplement, doa byk gila neh tapi tak makan proper, haruslah tak boleh jugak kannnnn... ekekekekke... make sure you have balanced diet during Sahur and Berbuka... good snacking around 10pm to 11pm... :) lotssssss of water... jgn minum air sambil mandi shower pulak.. over sgt tuh.. hiks
Happy Ramadhan people!

p/s: baju raya takde lagi ni uols!!!


  1. waahhhh...tahniah Leo.. usaha mummy untuk armand.. harap satu hari nanti armand dapat bace semua ni kan betape mummy nyer sangat gigih..:)
    [ai tak pernah terpikir pasal bende2 ni sampai bace n3 u pasal ni semua..sebab ai dah start nak info ai copy n nak print buat rujukan nanti2.. ley kan mintak izin ni b4 print..]

  2. thanks Anum...

    Nadia.. i mmg pantas bab2 online shopping neh.. ahahahh...

  3. Aty... ya ya.. silakan.. sila print, copy, paste and apa2 yg u rasa boleh help you in any ways k.. :) dah boleh usaha utk pregnant balik dah ekk? take care tau Aty.. jgn stress2 k.. enjoy the process.. hehe... Semoga Allah makbulkan niat Aty... aminnnn....

    p/s: hubby kumpul sume resit berkaitan Armand.. nanti nak tunjuk anak bila besar katanya.. especially bill bersalin.. ahhahahah....

  4. sis,yun minum shake herbal life rase die pn mcm ESP!tp mama yun penh minum ESP,die ckp mmg campur ngn milo sdp,kalau minum tu sj mcm xblh telan,hehe!oo,letak sarsi pn blh ek?menariknyaaa!kat rumah ade sebotol xder orng nk minum,blh yun try ESP plak lepas ni..tq for sharing! =)

  5. Wow...byk tu, congrats. Usaha tangga kejayaan. Rasa mcm nak try gak ESP nih sbb production kekadang drop lah...huhuhu...

    u buat sendiri ker pumping schedule nih?

  6. fiza... i amik dari blog somebody... tapi i dah lupa blog mana... huhu... nape?

  7. Alhamdulillah dah increase! Your body dah dpt the 'new rhythm' hehe.. InsyaAllah niat & usaha utk benda baik mesti dipemudahkan.. Ni kite dah 2cm dilation + a bit of show.. still kat umah..tgh tunggu for contraction or leaks.. so far xde lagik! anytime je ni.. huhu.. berdebar!!

  8. Nisa'! all the besttt!!! :) semoga baby and ibunya selamat semuanya....aminnnnn.....

  9. congrtaz..N pon lately production da btmbh sket...

  10. N... congrats 2u2! hehe... sama2lah kita bergegeh demi anak sorg neh...

  11. good job!! nk try gak lah..thanks for sharing..

  12. Maya.. selamat mencuba! :) *mcm nak try resipi baru lak*
