Out of the blue, my collegue, Roberto 'offered' the whole department to accompany him to go the award giving festival... and apparently i'm the only one who is keen to go.. hahah... don't even know what it's all about we (Rob and I), googled it out... hmmm.. not so much info... so we decided, let's just go and 'gossip' during the festival it self... then on Friday nite, he txt-ed me saying the dress code is black-tie... hmm... being bimbo for a second... hoh, i kena pakai tie jugakkk... heeeeee.... apa lagi... kelam kalibut mencarik dress... (mak mana ada dress ala2 red carpet yaaa....) sekali adad la jumpa dress bare-shoulder satu.. (nape i beli pun tak tau... mcm la aku berani pakai seksi cenggitu kan....) well... i remember that i bought some kind of cardigan with it... carik-carik.. tak jumpa kannn... fineeee.... kira2 kamikaze le ni, pakai sexy gitu jek.. ye la kan.. artis2 yg pegi musti lagi sexy... so takde sape nak tgk i... tgh siap2 nih... pusing2 tgk kat cermin... sekali nampak le lebam besau kan lengan kesan2 jadik pendekar nih.... alamak... buruk benor... mcm mangsa dera pulak... hmmm... apa lagi, amik selendang satu.. lilit jek... wakakakakak.... kasut pakai heels yg selalu pakai gi keje... handbag pun bwk yg selalu bwk pi keje jugak... ahaks! nanti ler... ada duit lebey, kita gi sopin ya...
it took me 45mins to get to PWTC.. arrived around 8pm... seeing Roberto in a black suit.. wow.. men in black sgtttt... (versi italy laa...) we headed to main entrance... and the liaison officer leads us to our seats... duduk 6th row from front yaaa... gitiewwwwwwww......... erra pun duk tepi2 ujung nun... hehe...

the show is a live telecast at astro kirana.. my niece, Alyaa managed to catch bit of pieces of me on tv.. haha... overall... not as grand as i thought it would be... being so called international event, i was expecting more of our celebrities to be present, to give support to our local film industry yg ala2 ni kan... huhu.... the one who came i wud either lead actor... the producer or the director... Dato' Yusof, Sofia Jane, Shuhaimi Baba.. to name a few... Malika Sherawat and Melly Goeslow i wud say the special guest of the nite... Tanaka Chie and another Korean actor (seems to be very famous.. recognise the face.. cudn catch the name though... hehe...)
as for performances.. Dato CT and Ning Baizura shines very well :D. The Wushu kids got 5 stars from me... Mamma Mia dancers.... *hiak dish* YOU GUYS WERE TERRIBLE!!! Ladylike, group from Sweden... LADIES, PLEASE HAVE YOUR RETIREMENT PLAN READY, YOU CAN'T SING!!! YOU CAN'T DANCE!!! :P
After show, we had a supper with Kavita Sidhu (Rob's good friend) and Shuhaimi Baba at Pan Pacific Hotel... had a great conversation about Malay film industry and looking forward for Shumi's upcoming movie... *yeaaaa* *still remain secret.. me promise not to say anything* :D came home about 3am... huhu... quite an experience for me... :D Thanks Roberto... i'll be delighted to accompany you again... so funny seeing those eyes looking at me, with a look, "what in the hell the handsome man doing with a girl like that... " hahahahhahaa...........