December 3, 2010

Let's get back to wedding! :)

hehe... i'm clearing my camera as the memory card is full.. and came accrossed a set of hantaran! heheh..... this is my first attempt, to make hantaran for other people.... :) i't's my present to a colleague at work.... free service for hantaran... she wanted pinky stuff... not too crowded.. simple but sweet... so.. this is what i came up with.. enjoyyyyyyy......... :) feel free to copy ada ke org nak tiru??.... hehhe... i don't mind at all... i spent around RM250 for everything (9 trays)... haaaaa.... not included the main stuff of course....

 did i mentioned that i finished all the things in 3 days? :) erkkkk 3 nites to be exact... ekkekekek.....

still hoping to hug the maternity pillow.... *piu piu piu*


  1. kenapa tak buat utk awn juga? sob sob sob

  2. cantek2.. pasni buleh set up bisnes buat hantaran lak.. ;)

  3. olor Aween... Aween tak mintak pun... hehe...

    maya... boleh ke? ber-kolaborasi ngan alip... hehe
