February 8, 2011



my belly looks like it's going to explode anytime soon!!

i cannot feel my belly button anymore... satu permukaan je ngan perut tuh..

i'm at my 34th week... baby is 2.2kg on 2nd Feb... doc said he'll get bigger.. hmm.. meaning my belly gonna grows more??? haiyooooo.... this is heavy enough okeh!

GTT done once.. passed with flying colours.. yayy! :) so no need to do again... next check-up will be on 14th Feb, doc will do culture test... making sure it's safe for me to have normal delivery... i'm looking forward to have Jr without epidural... howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... the option is always open..... becauseeeee...... i don't know how i'm gonna manage my pain during labour... hubby is soooo sure i can take the pain and do it without epidural... cos he said i'm a very active mummy... exercise without failing all throughout the pregnancy and he's soooo sure active mummy delivers baby easier... *sighhhh* insyaAllah... doa hubby menjadik kenyataan... hehe

people said, labour pain is like heavier period pain/ cramps... ladies... i never have period pain/ cramps all my life... howww??????? :P

*piu piu piu* <---- rolling eyes


  1. period pain for me sakit :(
    terpulang pada individu tu sendiri.
    Ade yang sakit skit, ade yang sakit gler!
    InsyaAllah semoga semua nye berjalan dgn lancar ye Mummy Leo :)

  2. thanks Iza.... :)

    p/s: piyed pain sakit kah??? *pensan*

  3. ehehhe...boleh tahan la...mcm iza ckp dier ikot orang :)

  4. owhhh..sangat sakit.. harap2 buleh sakit secara natural.. kalau induce, berganda-ganda sakitnya..hehe.. tiap2 org tak sama.. ada yg sakit kuat, ada yang tidak.. semoga semua berjalan lancar..

  5. kalo dgr cerita org, mmg macam2 pengalaman bersalin diorg. takpe, kita tanam dalam fikiran. org lain boleh, kita pun boleh. anor pun aktif semacam gak even dah sarat ni. g shopping sengsorang. hubby relax aje sbb anor mmg dah bese. hehehe

  6. kak,
    bestnyeeee! ;)
    bila la rejeki ndia plak nii..

  7. maya... *pensan berkali2* hehe

    relyza... skrg ni pun duk psycho diri sendirik nih... tak sakit! tak sakit! :D

    nadia... insyaAllah.. tak lama tuh... truskan usaha anda... hehe
