OMG!!! My leg finally got swollen.. Ahahahahhh... Yes, it's normal for pregnant ladies... And I got to experience it only at 37th week!! Huhu... Thought I'm gonna be leg-swollen-less... Guess I was wrong hor.. :p
It's quite funny though cos only the left leg is swollen.. Ngeh ngehh...
Got one foot bigger than the other..
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ok gak kene minggu ke-37, shu kene minggu lepas (minggu ke-30) tapi skrg dah tak de. bila tido tinggikan kedudukan kaki.
ReplyDeleteye ke cik shu? tapi leo tak selesa tido terlentang... kalo tido mengiring camne nak tinggikan kaki ekk? huhu....
ReplyDeleteDh x lm dh tu...sabo eh...
ReplyDeletebesar nyer mcm belon :P
ReplyDeletebengkak nyer kaki u...!! kalau i yang sangat kurus ni.. nanti biler mengandung balik ley bengkak macam tu tak..?? macamane boleh jadi ek...[blur] 29 hari lagi.. i tupang takut...!!!
ReplyDeletewah.. is it bcause of water ke? tp x sakit x pe kot..
ReplyDeletecomel la leo!! heheh kecik je jari2 tu heheh
ReplyDeleteLeo, tido mengiring pun boleh tinggikan kedudukan kaki. Shu pun tak selesa tdo terlentang.
ReplyDeleteWah.. bestnya pregnant... take care ya dear...
ReplyDeleteYanie... org kata kalo kaki surut dah nak bersalin ekk? u nye kaki surut tak time nak kena induce tu?
ReplyDeleteJune.. a'aa... belon lembik! eheh
Aty... maybe la kan.. kalo kurus comey nanti bengkak lagi nmpk cam belon.. ehee... insyaAllah... nanti Aty dpt merasa tau.. jgn putus asa tau.. *hugs*
Natasha.. yep.. water retention... tapi tak sakit.. rupa buruk je lah.. ahahha.... scary okeh tgk kaki sendirik jadik gitu!
ReplyDeleteFarah... owh time kasih la kerana nmpk kaki i comey.. heeee...
Cik Shu.. betul la.. hari ni dah ok dah kaki.. :)
Daleela.. welkam to my blog! gitiewww.... u take care too...
kak leo, nak cop feeding bottles! nak brapa small and brapa big?
ReplyDeletebile deadline nak bagi gifts? :D
hi Kay... owh sgt lah di alu2kan... tenksssssss in advance... daddynya ckp.. we need 2 small ones, 2 big ones... i think i saw one, like baby-starter feeding set ke mcm tu... value for money sket, rather than buy individually.. dlm tu ada 2 smalls, 2 bigs and pacifiers.. kalo tak silap la...
ReplyDeletedeadline? hmmm... tunggu birth dulu la kut... time bersalin kat sjmc tu, hang sampai trus ngan gift.... ahahhahah...