June 8, 2011

Aqiqah + Cukur Jambul - sneak preview

Alhamdulillah.. grateful to Allah.... On our 1st anniversary... 15th May 2011... we have been blessed to celebrate it with our first born, Armand, in conjunction with his Aqiqah and Cukur Jambul... Armand was 40days old when this event was held... and also my last day of pantang! yayy! big thanks to Atok and Nenek for organizing... hehe... we all love you! xoxo

he's peeking at the cameraman...

penat tau duk keliling2 tuh... hehe

yeahhh.... adore his hair while it lasts! :)

more photos coming... tungguuuuuuuu


  1. chantek gambar family tu~

    Wah! Triple celebration gitu - Anniversary + Aqiqah/Cukur jambul + Abis pantang ^^

  2. next photo msti armand dh botak...hu3

  3. k chot... yeahhh... triple celebration tanpa dirancang... :) bajet buat masa Armand dah sebulan and hari ahad... terkena pulak 15hb... hehe...

  4. Yanie... a'aa... lps botak kan... rupa Armand sebijik rupa hasben... huhu... tak aciiiiiii......

  5. bestnyer..nice outfit sis suker sgt color blue soft tu..;)

  6. Jihan... pilihan hasben la tu... :)

  7. Aja... macih... sweet mcm Amani tak? ekekek...

  8. armand dah botak ke skg? mesti kiut je kan...hehe

  9. Yoe...m so happy for ya darl.. My best prayers for ya..Alipth and lovely Armand! Luv from melbourne..

  10. farah... a'aa dah botak! :) sebijik muka cam daddy dia masa kecik... sedey mummy tauuu.. haha...

    ajah... tnx dear! *hugssssss*

  11. eerr....u 'lain' biler pakai tudung penuh tu..!! cantik kaler... [tak tau nape suke sangat kaler tu sejak dua menjak ni.. ;p]

  12. aty... mcm tu la muka saya masa bertudung dulu... ahhaha... pastu jadik 'jahat'... insyaAllah... nanti baik semula.. heee.. doa2kan ya.. :)

    p/s: kalo suka kaler tu maknanya nanti dpt anak sulung lelaki.. eheh.. pandai je leo ni kan..
