June 29, 2011

How are they now? :)

Armand will be 3 months old soon... i've been looking through his birth picture until current ones... owh.. he has changed a lot! :) rounder and happier if i were to sum-up... ahahhaa... for those who follow my blog, you would be aware of his changes... but today.. let's take a look at Armand's virtual friends... how are they now? :)

Diah's baby... Nayli.. 4months ++.. auwww... cuter than before!

Aja's baby... Amani.. 4months ++... auwwww... aunty pinjam reben boleyy?? :)

Yanie's baby.. Aleesya.. 4 months.. auwwww... what a priceless smile..

Diana's baby... Adam... 3 months ++... yeahhh... macho sehhh...

Anor's baby.. Iskandar... 3 months ++.... yeahhh.... mcm Beckham masa botak neh..

Nza's baby... Arryan... 3 months ++... yeahhh.... stroller saya best.. eheh..

new addition to the 'family'....

Shu's baby... Saqlain... 1month+.. haaaa.... dia sorg je pakai celak.. ko hado! nan hadoooo... :) someyyyyyyy.... nice to meet you Saqlain... 

and... (tambah ya.. hehe)
Rye's baby.. Razin.. 3months++ :) welkam to the family oso!

p/s: apologize to the mothers as mummy armand 'stole' the pics from your blogs.. ehhe...

anybody thinking of second baby? ahahhaha... *pok pok diri sendiri*


  1. uuuhhh uhhhh!!how time flies!!sumenya dh makin comel!=p. Amani pun dah 6 kg +++ compared to when she was born only 2.2 kg.

    p/s:my husband dah fikir pasal 2nd baby but me want to wait until Amani at least 1 year++ dlu!hehe =p

  2. hiks! me have to wait at least 2 years... then there's possibility for me for normal delivery... or else, c-sect lagi la... huhu...

  3. 2nd baby..?? hahaa...tggu Aryyan minta sendiri baru mama kasi..kekeke...

  4. hehe... saya suka syarat itu! :)

  5. so sweet la leo..smbl2 tu promo la baju babylicious tu..hahaha..
    eh i suke la yg pakai celak tu.i lupa mymum suh pakaikan nayli celak eeveryday nnti dh besar dia akan hitam seniri.mcm mysis mata dia mcm pakai eyeliner..hehe..tp i nye malas!huhu

  6. arghh. comel. comel dan comel :)

    tak sabar plak i. Armand nanti jadi abg angkat baby i okeh ;p

    ps: 2nd baby? yg 1st ni pun tak keluar lagi. HEHE

  7. Yeah!!! Saqlain dah masuk dalam Arman's gang.
    Baba Saqlain dah mintak gang untuk Saqlain. Me macam farah gak, tunggu 1 year ++.

  8. diah... cuba la letak celak kat Nayli... nanti letak kat blog pakai baju babylicious... haaaa.. sure meletop sales! :)

  9. balkis dear... abg angkat? ok je... ramai abg n kakak angkat nanti tu... hehe... bila due?

  10. Shu... baba da mintak gang ka? adoyaiii... ahahahha...

  11. aleesya pn ade...he3...
    2nd baby tggu aleesya umur 2years dlu kot :)

  12. InsyaAllah Yanie.. nanti kita saing lagi.. :)
