December 30, 2010
Red and Black Occasion!
after few wedding/ engagement receptions last weekend... it's going to continue to this weekend! i'm helping a colleague with his wedding.. again.. charity work to a friend... :) not hantaran this time... but helping him coordinating the caterer, decorator, gifts and etc... my gift to him is only the handbouquet... eheee... it's only small reception... no bersanding bagai.. Their theme is black and red.. after the wedding... i will share the vendors with you in this blog... and of course, their work as well...
wish me luck!
p/s: baby.. we're gonna have extra exercise this weekend ya.. stay with me! luv ya! owh one more.. can we name you Megat Safee? eheeee..... in honour of the Malaysian footballer? :D
December 27, 2010
English Garden's touch!
Perempuan Berkalong Sorban
Islamic themed film, "Perempuan Berkalung Sorban", based on the novel by Abidah el Khalieqy which was first published by the Yayasan Kesejahteraan Fatayat in Yogyakarta in 2001. Starring everyone's favourite girl next door Revalina S. Temat, who plays Anissa, the daughter of the leader of a traditionalist and very conservative Islamic boarding school (pesantren) in East Java. Her father's school, described as "salaf" or "salafiah", teaches that knowledge must be based on the Quran, Hadith and Sunnah, and that modern works that have no such basis are not to be touched. Annissa struggles with this teaching and she believes that Islam, or her father's version of it, does not treat women fairly. Annissa's opinions are ignored by all around as the musings of a little girl, except by the handsome Hanya Khudori (played by Oka Antara), a relation on her mother's side. Annissa falls in love with him but Oka, mindful of the blood link and his relationship to the girl's father, attempts to kill the romance and flees to Egypt to continue his studies. Crestfallen, Annissa tries to go her own way by enrolling at a school in Yogyakarta but her father rages that an unmarried girl cannot go off on her own, and besides, at her new school she may be exposed to unIslamic teachings. Kyai Hanan, played by Joshua Pandelaky, decides to marry his daughter off to the son of another Salaf school, but it is an unhappy marriage and Anissa later learns that her husband, Samsudin (Reza Rahadian), is a polygamist. Finally her first love Khudori returns from Cairo and their previously interrupted love is rekindled....
article/photo is taken from
I reckon this movie will have some 'controversial' ideas in Islam in certain ppl's views... similar to Arwah Yasmin's Ahmad movies... well... who are we to judge other ppl's views... who are we to interpret ppl's Mazhab of Islam... even degree/ PhD holders from universities all around the world in so many Mazhabs also have dispute when they discuss in details... ask any Haji/ Hajjah who came back from Mekah, they can easily describe to you at least 5 different ways of Solat! wrong or not... it's not in our 'scope of work'! :) personally, i even hate when Mufti/ Ulama in Malaysia itself when they really really fight for their own beliefs.... at the verge of becoming uncivilized human being! :P i wish and hope one day, they only embrace the similarity instead of the difference....
again.. pls help me how am i to 'find' tv al-hijrah on my tv channel... hehe...
definitely gonna write a review on this film!
Yuhainis bukan Yuhannees
December 24, 2010
My Disappointment continues.....
By Zaidi Isham Ismail and Azlan Abu Bakar
The executives, all under the E&U division, are former Sime Darby Energy Sdn Bhd vicepresident Datuk Mohd Shukri Baharom, chief financial officer Abdul Rahim Ismail, head of oil and gas Abdul Kadir Alias and senior general manager of Sime Darby Engineering, Mohd Zaki Othman.
"They are being sued for breaches of duties owed to the Sime Darby Group.
"The Sime Darby Group is claiming from the defendants, inter alia, restitution for monies wrongfully paid out, damages for losses suffered, loss of profit, aggravated damages and costs," it said in a statement yesterday.
Zubir and the other executives could not be reached for comment.
Sime is claiming at least RM338 million from the five, with almost half of that from Zubir and Shukri. It is also seeking damages for losses caused by them in three projects and any aggravated or exemplary damages.
Specifically, the suit deals with three projects, namely the Bulhanine and Maydan Mahzam project with Qatar Petroleum, the Maersk Oil Qatar project and building of marine vessels for the Maersk Oil Qatar project.
December 22, 2010
More Pillow - Coccyx Pillow
Coccyx or tailbone's 'health' is very important during and after pregnancy.... being at 27th week of my pregnancy... now i can feel the pain at the tailbone... when i sit, when i lay down, when i walk and bla bla bla.... as usual... i browsed the internet to find the 'cure'... well... guess you don't want to expect any clear cut cure for any pain during pregnancy.... boo myself!
The furthest thing you can get is a method to reduce the pain and hopefully it will go away somehow... boo myself again! and yaaaa... now i'm looking for wedge pillow or doughnut-looking pillow... not 1, not 2, but 3 pcs!!! one for the office chair, one for my car and one for at home... hohoho! searching for any Xmas present for me? these pillows would be nice! eheh....
sakit montot!
December 21, 2010
Heaven nyaaaa.....
son misses daddy!
December 18, 2010
For the first time, the gynae asked me so many things
then it came to the scan part.. my favourite! :) the monitor couldn't fit the whole baby already!! eheee... he's soooo big! in my eyes lahhh... cos the last time i saw him, he can still twirl inside my tummy, still so many space in my uterus... this time, no more twirling... my uterus seems a bit small for him.. he's weigh more than 1kg odi! *clap clap* and yep... soooooo confirm the baby is a HE! ekekkek... time to babynames search! then doc let me hear the heartbeat again... strong as before.. it's a good sign... alhamdulillah... the unexpected part.... doc moves the probe to his head, and we can see the whole head on the monitor... masyaAllah.... he's 'talking'! his mouth open/ close quite few times... and very big opening.. ahahahh.... hubby said he's doing vocal practice... ahemmmm... yaaa right! so like daddy's son! :P doc just laughed... maybe it's normal for her to see babies open their mouth in tummies.. hehe.. not for us lor...
all in all.. Alhamdulillah.. looking forward to hold in my arms... insyaAllah end of March/ early April...
happy feet!

December 17, 2010
December 16, 2010
Family day!!!
p/s: this is the baby 1st visit to PD... hehe
December 14, 2010
Things That are Random About Me
1. I'm doing this at the office *matilamak kalo boss baca*
2. I have updated my CV! *maksudnya???? matila lagik kalo boss baca*
3. I'm 25 weeks preggie... and yes, by random.. no plan.. haha
4. I have yet to find babynames... errkkk... my hubby? not sure... he can be so secretive sometimes.. :)
5. We got baby seat as present from Kak Nita.. tapi Kak Nita kata, nanti dah bersalin bagi lain nanti... maknanya, yg tu pre-present?? hehe
6. InsyaAllah, i'm having my baby at SDMC, Subang Jaya
7. I want a new car.. Suzuki SX4 sports crossover pelisss....... tenkssssss....
8. I miss my old gym buddies.. i.e: Jimmy, Claire and Ann Jet... mana sume depa pegi ya.. *sigh*
9. I want to go to New Zealand!
10. I want to go to Bora-bora Island!
11. I want to go to Hawaii!!
12. I want to take Scuba diving license... dah mengandung ni.. kena tunda la ya..
13. My hubby wants to go to Bali again!
14. I think he wants to go now!! *sentip meks*
15. 3 ppl resigned this month at the office... sob sobb...
16. My 'little sis' passed to be a Bodyjam presenter!!! yayyy!!!!
17. I've been in Oil & Gas industry for almost 8 years.. damn! i'm old! :P
18. Got to know from Twitter that CikYus works offshore frequently.. hehe...
pheww phewwww.... 7 more to go!
19. I've bought flite ticket for my mum during my confinement.. ahahha... but didn't bought the return ticket... hopefully Lid tak panggil balik awal.. ahhaha
20. Saya rasa nak makan keropok lekor!
21. I'm hooked at FitFor2 class... exercise classes for Pregnancy ppl! :) highly recommended! from the bottom of my heart...
22. I have freezed my Fitness First membership starting January... huhu... kenot Bodyjam anymore leh....
23. I think i'm gonna 'force' my hubby to take the PVR function for our Astro.. ehhe
24. We have yet to buy any baby stuff!!! aiyak!! *terbeli romper ritu mcm tak kira jek... ehhe...*
25. I'm very most grateful of having a wonderful life, surronded with wonderful families and friends blessed with the never-ending rezeki... Alhamdulillah....
yelah yelah.. back to Roberto's proposal.. :P

December 13, 2010
Best wait yet...
December 10, 2010
Still stress in the office.. let's look at baby pics!
p/s: all photos are courtesy from Google Images!
Hantaran in the making...
As usual, if it's his project.. My job will be... Pusing reben.. Ikat reben.. :) and apa2 lagi yg disuruh.. Theme will be english style.. Will post detail when we're done with it!! :)
Now heading to McD for lunch! Ekekkk...
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December 9, 2010
Movie = De-stressed!
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Update on Dream Pillow
haizzzz lagikkkk....
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December 6, 2010
Mummy's growth...
December 3, 2010
Let's get back to wedding! :)
did i mentioned that i finished all the things in 3 days? :) erkkkk 3 nites to be exact... ekkekekek.....
still hoping to hug the maternity pillow.... *piu piu piu*

December 2, 2010
OP - for baby's photography