December 18, 2010


Had the normal pregnancy checkup yesterday.... i don't know why, everytime when i went to see the doc, my heart will beat very fast.... it's even faster than the akad nikah time.. hehe... maybe because i'm worry... i feel that i'm not ready to hear any bad news.. what if this..... what if that.... *me no like!*

For the first time, the gynae asked me so many things instead of me doing all the talking... how's my hands? legs? tummy? any cramps... headache... how bout appetite... owh.. feel like in an interrogation room okeh! then she explains why... *phew* feel a lot relief... ekekkekekkkk.... i'm just being paranoid... she convinced me that it's normal for any pregnant ladies to feel that way... moreover this is the first one...

then it came to the scan part.. my favourite! :) the monitor couldn't fit the whole baby already!! eheee... he's soooo big! in my eyes lahhh... cos the last time i saw him, he can still twirl inside my tummy, still so many space in my uterus... this time, no more twirling... my uterus seems a bit small for him.. he's weigh more than 1kg odi! *clap clap* and yep... soooooo confirm the baby is a HE! ekekkek... time to babynames search! then doc let me hear the heartbeat again... strong as before.. it's a good sign... alhamdulillah... the unexpected part.... doc moves the probe to his head, and we can see the whole head on the monitor... masyaAllah.... he's 'talking'! his mouth open/ close quite few times... and very big opening.. ahahahh.... hubby said he's doing vocal practice... ahemmmm... yaaa right! so like daddy's son! :P doc just laughed... maybe it's normal for her to see babies open their mouth in tummies.. hehe.. not for us lor...

all in all.. Alhamdulillah.. looking forward to hold in my arms... insyaAllah end of March/ early April...

pic courtesy of CorbisImages

happy feet!


  1. xamek gambar baby masa scan ke ?

  2. best kan tgk baby masa kena scan.. insyaallah..semoga semuanya dipermudahkan..

  3. june... ada gambonya... sajer xmo share sini... sepraisssss! :)

    maya... yep yep.. makasih...

  4. late march nnt birthday sama ngan aunty Yus. hehehe.

  5. nanti leh la ngurat Aunty Yus... ekekekkkk....
