October 7, 2011

Careless as always... sighhh...

haizzzzzzzz.... panic this morning because i couldn't find my watch! :( :( :( it was my bday present last year from hasben!! :( :( :(

So, drove to office today with a strange feeling coz i couldn't recall where i put it.. then.. when i reached my table... hmmmmm....

tadaaaaaaa.... nicely hidden under my small notebook... seb baik tak hilang!! ahahhahha... this what happens when u wear ur watch on ur right hand..i will always 'un-wear' it while i'm in the office.. because it will be 'in the way' of everything i do.. writing, typing and etc.. ehhe...

So, mummy Armand.. more careful next time!!


  1. hehehehe
    nasib baik x hilang kan sis

  2. tulah.. kalo tak.. kocik ati hubby meks! huhu

  3. harusssss... dah la dulu hilangkan subang sebelah.. gift hubby from Australia.. huhu...
    P/s: ya.. saya mmg sgt careless! *nangessss*

  4. jauhnya dia ilang,,, heheheheheh, atas tu je rupanay...nina ada satu jam pemberian abang, since 2003 until now... masih elok... :D

  5. sllnyer kan kalu brg ilang jgnlah cr. mestinyer tak jumpe taw. kalu tak cari tuh, cpt jer dh jupe. huhuhu! sll kene kt diri sdiri cmtuh lah.

  6. Niena.. syabas! hehe :) p/s: jam hantaran kawen kah? :D

  7. Ajan... hehe... lain kali kalo ilang, leo buat2 mcm tak ilang... gelabah dlm ati jek... :)

  8. u kidal ek leo...:) ai tak suke tanggalkan jam selagi tak sampai kat umah... kalau amik wuduk pon..i pakai jer jugak..[cume pastikan lalu air].. sebab dolu2 pon pernah hilang jam yang sangat2 sayang pasal lather kene tanggal2 selalu..dan kene bukak selalu.. sekarang..tak mo pakai lather dah...n tak mo tanggal2 jam dah kat merate tempat..sebab tau ai ni pon careless... huhu.. eerrr..leo.. kaLau hilang jam tu macamane...?? ;p

  9. tak aih Aty.. i menulis tgn kanan, tu yg susah kalo ada jam.. nanti gesel2, nanti calar.. hehe.. kalo jam tu hilang, harus mak gi sopin beli baru and identical!!! hahhaha...

  10. thank goodness jumpa balik! i am like the Queen of merosakkan/menghilangkan/memusnahkan presents from my husband... dont follow me! :p

  11. i used to be that queen.. or maybe princess.. kecik sket.. ahahah... tyring very hard oso to improve myself.. aiyahh.. veli da hard!
