October 5, 2011

Ulang-bulan ke-6 as a mother!

alhamdulillah... i have been a mother for 6 months today! :) Syukur to Allah for the opportunity... looking forward for the rest of the years till my last breath...

This also means, Armand is 6-months young today.. :) baby grows so fast until you kinda miss what had happened for the past 6 months.. from the day of born, your confinement, your lack-of-sleep days... hehe... first time he smiles.. the newborn smell.. owh.. lots of other stuff.. i'm sure other new mommies out there knows exactly what i meant.. 

How's Armand? As seen in my previous post.. he is more comfortable 'sitting' while playing with his toys... if he's lying on his tummy, he'll drag his body around to move.. mcm ulat beluncas yg laju pun ada kaedahnya... he can crawl 1 or 2 steps only... ahahhaha... slow and steady love... this morning he gave me a sexy pose before crawl... hehe

  opps..  nampak pampers!

eheh... pardon me for a very poor pic quality... pakai BB je uols... his 'steps' are quite fast... afraid that he might fall off from bed... *sigh*

agak2 kalo baby dah fully merangkak, jenuh la mengejar nya ye tak? mummy dah ready.... nanti mummy leh kurus.. ahahhahha.... as far as mummy's weight progress.. hmmm... nan hadooooo... ahahhaha... still a chubby 74kg mum! heheh... still trying peeps..

This morning, i capture Armand's puree... Sweet Potato + Spinach... uuuu.. green-ier than Potato + Brocoli... ekekkek...
 the puree is really fine... thanks to the super-cool blender i suppose... me like it! agak2 kalo nak grind/ lenyek sendiri... hmmm... tak terlenyek la... i ni malas sikitt banyak... i put the puree into 3 portions... 2Oz each.. 1 today, 1 tomorrow and 1 day after tomorrow... :) after this, i'll do fruit-based puree.... 

and.... tadaaaaaaaaaa........
i have received my BabyCubes! yayyyyy!!! 1 bought 2 trays.. for now *mummy tergedik kejap*

this is the smallest cubes.. 1oz each.. they have in 2Oz and 4Oz as well... so this weekend, mummy will puree 3-4 types of fruits... and give instruction to Kak Pur, to mix and match... :) macam pakai baju plak nak kena match match...
eg: take 1 apple, 1 pear... open the lid... heat it in microwave.. mix it together with EBM in a bowl.. serve it warm to Armand.. :)
easy aite??

while shopping Babycubes.. mummy secara gatal tangannya membeli ini juga...
ahahahhaah... Tommy Tippee feeding bowl with feeding spoon... 

mummy can foresee this later at home...
Daddy: "Mcm la takleh pakai yg mana ada kat umah tu kan??? org bagi tu pun banyak lagi tak pakai..."
Mummy: "alahhhh... yg tu takde yg lekat spoon dkt bowl.. and spoon tu tak tukar2 kaler kalo makanan panas" *big smile and blink blink eyes*
Daddy: "pastu yg byk byk tu nak buat apa? masuk stor?"
Mummy: "heee... leh wat hadiah kat org plak? " *opps kantoiiiiiii... elehhh.. mcm la korg tak wat kan kan kann...*
Daddy: *muka menyampah tak laraj nak layan mummy*

sorry daddy.. when it comes to shopping.. mummy rules!!!! yeahhhhhhhhhhhh........


  1. wow. so fast armand dah hmpir boleh merangkak..!Amani masuk 7 bulan baru bleh merangkak skit2.. hehe.

    yeay mommy armand!when it comes to shopping, mommy rules!=D

  2. Aja... Amani gegerl... so dia sopan sikit... Armand ni main taram je.. ngeri okeh.. huhu...

  3. Leo, beli kat mana baby cube tu? online ke? how much?

  4. Shu... dkt LittleWhiz... RM26.90... ni link dia.. :)


  5. OMG..banyak info saya dapat thru this page.reference untuk barang baby.thanx sis..n hehehe..saya pun sama, baby belum keluar but kalau boleh nak prepared semua complete.taknak tunggu hadiah orang bagi..hikhikhik..

  6. hi dear... glad it gives idea to you... ekekke.. biasalah excited nak beli sendiri.. ok je, beli satu jek each.. hehe.. nanti mmg org bagi byk.. takut jatuh membazir plak kan.. nanti i buat entry utk how i prepare/ store the food plak.. :)

  7. leonora.. armand mmg cpt merangkak.. baby lain..tak secepat armand..waa...fully breastfeed ke? klu fm..bg fm ape?
    seronok... armand da boley makan.. clap2.. tak sabar nak tgu..akid 6months...

  8. waaa..armand hensem dah nak boleh merangkak! lajuuuu! rizq lazy bump! hukhukhuk..

  9. Dot.. a'aa fully breastfeed.. alhamdulillah... fm ekk? dulu i penah campur jap around 2 weeks.. we used Enfa+... but according to paed, any brand oso good actually... tak semestinya yg paling mahal tu paling bagus.. eheh :)

  10. Zla... tepuk2 sket bump Rizq yg comey tu.. ekekke... i pun tak tau nape Armand mcm terlebey excited nak buat benda2 baru.. siyes.. penat mengawal dia takut kepala tersembam kemana2... huhu... penat yg best sbnrnya.. hehe..

  11. ala,sexynyaa la hai menonggeng,hehe!sis,tgk puree yg u prepare mcm menyelerekan,kalau esk2 rayyan ni mau mummy die tumpang sekaki,huhu~

    bab shopping memang,mcm yun even ade bende orng bagi,tp nk gak beli,kaki shopping la katekan,ngeeee!

  12. Yun... sgt tepat! bab2 sopin ni mmg naluri wanita... kalo x ske sopin ala2 mcm bukan wanita plak rasanya... ahahahha
