October 31, 2011

EBM mogok??

and it's only from my left boob! :)

i don't know what i've eaten the night before, but my 7am pump gave me a shock for one boob! normal pump between 6 to 9Oz for both...

why one? eheheee... this is my new routine for the last 2 weeks... as I have mastered to bf Armand while lying down so i only feed him using my right boob during 'sleep time'... so, left one is 'not in used'... this method is solely for my advantage as I am laayyyzeeeeee to change my position while 
'sleeping'... moreover, Armand now is more than 8kg... picking him up from one side to the other is no joke!

still struggling to lose weight..


  1. macam2 sis nie.. dah berat kan baby.. kejap je masa berlalu

  2. alhamdulillah dear... sampai skrg leh maintain... :)

  3. anum... hehhe... sis ni sebnrnya byk trick kalo dah malas... ahahhaha...

  4. Leo, i did the same thing too. tp tak la dapat macam u. paling banyak pun 4oz je. seronok tengok hasil yg u dpt.

  5. WOOOOO~ 8ozz???? bestnyer. ok mlm ni try bg one side jer. nk tgk cmne result. huhu!

  6. Shu... Alhamdulillah tu.. Leo punya sifir, janji kuar susu.. byk tak byk blkg kira.. ekekkek... ni nak period soon ni.. takutt.. usually period je, EBM mcm takut2 nak kuar.. haha

  7. Ajan.. all the best... just a 'warning'... bangun pagi nanti, boob yg tak 'pakai' tu akan bengkak semcm and sakit.. pastu2.. baju tido mesti basah2.. huhu... masa Solat Subuh tu kena tahan sket lor... kalo terbangun tido mlm sbb tak tahan sakit, jgn tahan, terus bgn and pump ya... :) selamat mencuba...

  8. N klo malas pon same cmni..tp org kate klo bg sebelah je..nti breast besar sebelah..x to laa..hahaha...

  9. ahahhaha... N... time bengkak tu mmg besar sebelah... buruksss... ahahhah...

  10. =( slalu sedih tgk org punye EBM ..n org Bf..mine? mmg xde rezeki utk akid.. rase mcm loser sgt

  11. Dot... *hugs* jgn rasa loser... takde rules ckp kalo tak bf = loser... no no nooooo..... Akid sgt bertuah dpt mama mcm awak... no more no less!
