January 27, 2011

Tiring each day...

owh my owh my.... bump is getting bigger.. i'm getting more tired each day... can really feeelllllll the pressure on my pelvic/ pubic bone... driving a manual car daily to work is NOT HELPINGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hubby is being very understanding.. i was about to ask him, whether he can drive me to work.. and last night, he said he doesn't want me to drive to work anymore... heeeeeeee....... he'll send/ pick me from work everydayyyyyyy......... yayyyyyyyyyyyy............ lap u!

owh.. kena tag ngan Cik Shu... entry lps ni buat tag ya Leo.. jgn lupa... :)


  1. aa best2..pas ni ada husbe tlg antar n amik kan...bykkan rehat ye

  2. bila perot dah makin membesar, drive keta manual adalah sgt menyeksakan.. seb baek dolu i bwk auto..itupun tak selesa..

    hubby hantar?? itu lebih selamat.. ;D

  3. hahhaha..sama ngn aina. time preknan dlu tgh study lagi. g klas hubby anta n amik. somtimes sampai die kne amik cuti semata-mata nak anta aina p klass. natijahnye sekg haku dah tak berani nak drive keter.hoho.

  4. aween... farah... will do! tnxxx.... :)

    maya... tulah pasal...

    aina... skrg dah tak drive ke? lorr.. cenggitu pulak.. hehe
